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A few weeks into our dating, when we told my brother, Griffin was surprised. He said he had no idea. The entire office had already figured it out, but Griffin, being Griffin, was totally oblivious. He congratulated us and then moved on with his day.

He was a little less accepting when Walsh told him that he was quitting to travel the world with me.

He said that I was a “bad influence” on Walsh.

Walsh vehemently disagreed.

Thankfully, Griffin and my family are a world apart from us now.

I still don’t know what I am going to do with my life. Paint? Maybe. Act? Probably not.

But I do know that I am going to do it with Walsh by my side and that is one step closer than I have ever been before.

I lean over and kiss Walsh, holding my lips to his.

“I dare you to marry me,” I whisper to him.

Walsh’s eyes brighten. “You can’t ask me. I was going to ask you!”

I grin. “Well, I asked you first. So, what’s your answer?”

“Yes,” he says, wrapping an arm around my waist. “Yes, of course, I want to marry you.”

“Good, because I want to marry you,” I tell him.

And I’m not fucking scared.

Not even a little bit.
