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Chapter Two

Abe slowly backed away from Rachel’s bungalow, smiling to himself. She was … incredible. Too bad he was here for a company retreat and not to flirt with a gorgeous and intriguing woman. When she’d given him a flirtatious gaze and flipped her hair away from her face back on the beach, he’d received a brief glimpse of the mottled skin on the left side of her face and neck. When she’d quickly pulled her hair back and spun away, he’d only had one purpose: get to her fast and make sure she knew she was gorgeous and shouldn’t hide the scars.

Walking back toward the main area he thought how he’d wimped out. He hadn’t told her how attractive she was, how the scars added to her appeal, gave her character, and showed she had been through hard things, in his mind the complete picture made her even more beautiful. He wished he’d spilled all of that, but he had at least enjoyed flirting with her.

He remembered when he’d heard about Caleb Jewel’s sister being burned from an explosion last year and had felt bad for the woman and thought she looked beautiful but sad in the pictures. Seeing her face to face, and then holding her hand in his, had absolutely floored him.

Abe knew himself. He was determined, driven, and when he saw something he wanted, he didn’t hesitate to go after it. Prison had taught him to seize the moment, and to not trust anyone. Could he seize some moments with the beautiful Rachel Jewel this week? For some reason, he thought she might have more trust issues than he did, or maybe with her injury being recent she was simply learning how to deal with her face being burned and people’s reactions to it.

“Well, that was interesting,” Preston drawled out as he met Abe on one of the paths that led to the main building.

“Sorry, did I ditch you?” Abe grinned at him.

“Ran away mid-sentence,” Preston said back. “She’s fabulous, isn’t she?”

“Yes, sir.” Abe gave him a quick glance. “Are you …?”

“No,” Preston inserted quickly, touching his perfect hair, his deep-blue eyes glinting. “I suspect she’s here on her brother’s orders. Not exactly the woman I should be cozying up to, no matter how beautiful she is.”

“Caleb?” Abe was confused.

“No, her brother Luke recently bought this property.” Preston’s smile was forced. “And immediately sent a spy to see if I’m up to snuff.”

Abe shook his head. “I think you’re worrying about nothing. She’s been through something horrific and her brother probably sent her here for some rest and recoup. Besides.” He gestured to the open-air main area with polished teakwood floors, water features, and flower arrangements abounding. Smiling staff awaited their approach to the front desk, offering Abe a strawberry daquiri. “Look at this place. You’re doing amazing and booked out what … a year in advance?”

“Usually.” Preston puffed his chest out. “Thanks, man. It’s great to have you and your people here. It’s great to see you.”

“You as well.”

He and Preston had met their junior year of high school traveling together with a national lacrosse team and gotten close being roommates and playing college lacrosse together. Their senior year of college they’d both fallen in love with the beauty Angel Falslev. Abe swallowed down the bile of revulsion. The very name could still make his gut tighten with anger. Over ten years ago she’d chosen Abe. He couldn’t think how many times he’d wished she hadn’t. Especially when she’d framed him and he’d spent three months in a prison cell. Preston had remained a true friend throughout the years, even when Abe was convicted.

Preston informed him that Abe’s employees were all on introductory tours or settled into their bungalows and then took him around the impressive property and beautiful island in a golf cart. By the time they arrived at the impressive two-story bungalow Abe would stay in for the week it was close to dinnertime. He thanked his friend, showered off the humidity, wondering how in the world Preston handled a suit in this heat. Being from upstate New York, this tropical weather in March was almost too hot for Abe. He dressed in a short-sleeved off-white chambray shirt and fitted gray golf pants. He wasn’t a very good golfer, not enough patience, but he loved the pants and shorts for comfort and especially in the hot weather they looked good, didn’t wrinkle, and were breathable.

As he walked into the fancy dining room, he saw his group of employees already seated at a large round table off to the right. He raised a hand and started that way but heard movement behind him. Turning, he saw a vision in red and swayed on his feet.

Rachel stood right behind him wearing a long formal dress. Her dark eyes were outlined with smoky makeup and her lips were a deep red that matched the dress. She gave him a welcoming smile and he let himself appreciate the entire exotic effect of her appearance for a minute. The dress was floor length but had a slit on one leg that came well above her knee and showed off enough beautiful tanned leg to make his mouth go dry. Her right shoulder was bare and the dress tucked around her chest on that side. On the left side it covered her shoulder with a capped sleeve but most of the left side of the silky red bodice was covered with her long, dark hair that swooped from her forehead across her cheek and then was pulled forward to cover her neck and chin on the left side. He wished he could help her know she didn’t need to cover up, but he could at least tell her how beautiful she was.

“Rachel,” he breathed out, automatically extending his hand. “You are exquisite.”

She put her hand in his, and just like this afternoon, he was struck by the power that seemed to surge through him at her very feminine touch. He could be her Tarzan or Superman or whoever she wanted him to be when she had her hand in his. He wanted to be more for her. A billionaire from upstate New York who had scrapped his future out of nothing but sheer will and his own two hands wasn’t nearly good enough for a woman with such light, intelligence, and grit.

Acting like a sappy charmer, well, like Preston really, he bent low and brought her hand up to his lips. “Beautiful,” he said, then remembered that he’d already said she was exquisite. What was he doing? He wasn’t here to fall for a woman. In fact, falling for a woman hadn’t been on his radar since Angel backstabbed and betrayed him almost ten years ago.

“Thank you.” Rachel gifted him with a smile that made her even more appealing. “I didn’t figure you for a ‘compliments flowing like honey from his tongue’ kind of guy.”

He laughed and tilted closer to her. “Would you believe me if I told you that I’m usually not?”


Oh, he liked her sass. Most women were enamored with his success and his looks and either flirted brazenly with him or acted like he was Zeus. Rachel did neither, but at least she did seem interested in him. He caught a glimpse of Preston coming their way and remembered Rachel was supposed to dine with his lifelong friend. He cursed and she lifted an eyebrow.

“Sorry,” he muttered. He’d picked up some habits in prison his mom didn’t like and swearing was one of them. He lowered his voice as Preston came closer. “Meet me on the beach after dinner?”

Rachel scrunched her nose and tilted her head to the left, her long hair trailing almost to the curve of her waist. “We’ll see.”

“Rachel. Abe.” Preston greeted them each warmly then said, “You’ll have to excuse us, my friend, this lovely lady and I have a dinner appointment.”

Rachel glanced back at him and Abe tried to smooth the glower pulling his brow and his lips tight. Preston had claimed he wasn’t interested in Rachel. Was that true? Maybe his friend was just trying to butter up the boss’s sister, but as Preston walked away with his hand on Rachel’s lower back, lower than Abe thought it should be, he didn’t think his friend’s intentions were as clear or pure as they should be.
