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“Nah, don’t do that. Sisters are the best. Just ask my brothers.”

He laughed. “Okay, you’re right. My little sister is the best. Allison simply likes to annoy me.”

“What does she do to annoy you?”

“Tells me nonstop I should, ‘find a worthy chick and make babies’.”

Rachel chortled. “Wow. That sounds like something a mom would say not a sister. Well, except for the ‘chick’ part.”

“Right? Honestly, she’s great. She just wants me to take the pressure off her ‘finding a worthy dude and making babies’.” He glanced her way with a grin. Even in the dim light from the half-moon she thought he was the most attractive man she’d ever seen, and that was saying something because she’d dated a lot of handsome men. Too bad she wasn’t in the market to be a worthy chick and make babies with him.

“What does Allison do? Besides annoy you and avoid marriage?”

“She’s an actress. No huge roles yet but she’s done well with the supporting roles she’s won.”

“Good for her.”

“Yeah. We’re proud of her. My parents go to California regularly to visit her. Plus, it’s not a bad deal to get out of Rochester in the wintertime.”

“You grew up in Rochester?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Grew up in Rochester, college in Syracuse, now your company is based in Buffalo. You just have an affinity for upstate New York?”

“For sure. Plus, I’m a huge Buffalo Bills fan.”

“Aha. That makes sense. Broncos for me. Always has been.”

“Really? Even after that Broncos player tried to frame Caleb for murder last month?”

They came upon a rocky outcropping on the beach. If it had been daylight she would’ve tried to go around it but as it was, they both turned and started back the other way. Caleb had been framed, in a really weird way. The guy was Caleb’s fiancée’s ex-husband and had known he was dying from numerous head injuries sustained from football, so he framed Caleb for his death. So sad and disturbing.

“Yeah that was nuts, but you can’t judge an entire team off one crazy train.”

“Hmm.” His thumb gently stroked across the back of her hand and made her thoughts scatter and her hand tingle. “I don’t know. Any excuse to bag on the Broncos.”

“Oh!” She gasped and probably should’ve pulled her hand free, but she didn’t want to. She chose to push at his shoulder with her free hand instead. “I thought you were lobbying for more time spent with me, but you’ve just risked me never speaking to you again.”

He chuckled. “Forgive me. I am definitely lobbying for more time spent with you. I’ll forget my lifelong allegiance to the Bills.”

She flushed with pleasure. He did want more time with her. How to respond? “We’ll see,” she said evasively. “The island isn’t big enough to escape you so maybe I’ll have to give you that time.”

He rubbed her hand with his thumb again. “I’ve never felt so lucky.”

Neither of them said anything for a few minutes and the lights of the bungalows and resort glowed up ahead. She could’ve walked with her hand in Abe’s all night.

“So are you in college or working or …”

“I just graduated with my MBA.” Just? It would be a year in May. She really needed to decide what to do with her degree if she didn’t pursue her dreams of going on to law school. She’d receive a five-million-dollar inheritance on her birthday next month. Should she start a business like some of her brothers were pushing her to? She’d always felt like family law would be her spot, especially since getting to know Caleb’s fiancée, Emily, and her adorable son, Krew. In Rachel’s opinion, they’d needed better protection from Emily’s ex and more help from their lawyer. Rachel felt as if family law was something that could challenge her, while allowing her to give back by protecting innocent parents and children. But the question always lingered in her mind, were those professors right and she would only terrify the children? That made her sick inside and was the last thing she wanted to do.

“Congrats,” he said. “What are your plans now?”

Why did his question feel almost … contrived? Was she too sensitive or did he know too much? He’d seen her scars earlier today when she’d unconsciously tossed her hair. How to test him?

She stopped on the sand, knowing her bungalow was a short distance away. It was still quiet, but she could hear laughter and music coming from the main building.

“You know what happened with Caleb, his fiancée Emily, and the Broncos player, obviously you saw that online,” she stated quietly. “Did you see anything about me?”
