Page 63 of Stone’s Revenge

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“You’re an ass.”

“Which is to be expected by my staff. As is wanting a woman naked and at my disposal.”

Gia tosses her napkin to the table and stands in a huff. “Yeah, well, I’m not one of your call girls, and I sure as hell am not at your disposal.”

She storms off more upset than I’ve seen her in a while. Not since I first dragged her here.

I check in with Marco to make sure my plane is secure, and to see if there is any more word from Parisi. He is pissed as hell, which is exactly how I want him. Caught off guard and angry means he’ll make mistakes. He’ll rush and not check both ways before crossing the road. His end is coming, but I still need to get Gia on board.

She has a part to play, and I’m still not confident she’ll be willing to follow through, or if she can pull it off enough to convince Parisi that I’ve won.

I find myself outside her door. I lift my hand and rap my knuckles on it before entering. She has a suitcase open on the bed and a few items thrown in. From the looks of it, a pair of sneakers and the workout gear I’ve seen her in. No fancy gowns. No heels. Not even a makeup bag.

“Where are we going?” she asks without looking at me. She opens and slams shut the drawers in her walk-in closet. “I don’t want to wear any of this stuff.”

“Don’t pack anything.”

“I’m not prancing around naked for however long we’re gone, and you’re not having a sexfest with me either.”

“Gia.” Fuck. Now I can’t get the image of her strutting around our room naked out of my mind. Sexual chemistry is a two-way street with us. She can deny it all day long, but she wants me. The chase doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, but it needs to end. Now.

She ignores me and swats at the row of gowns in her closet. Now she’s pissing me off. My cock is so hard, one wrong move and it will fall off.

“Gia,” I growl. When she still refuses to look at me, I take two long strides to her and pin her against the wall of clothes. “You’re the one who said no sex with anyone but you.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“It’s in writing.” I pin her arms above her head and press my aching dick into her stomach. “You respond like this every time I’m near. You want me. Stop fighting it. It’s just sex.”

The rapid rise and fall of her chest make her breasts brush up against my chest in a rhythm that makes me want her naked even faster.

“I’m not...” She stares at my mouth then turns away, staring at the dresses hanging behind me. “I’m not having sex with you.”

“You’re wet for me right now. I can almost feel it through our clothes.” I imagine her dripping like she was the other night on my yacht. She ached for me at breakfast this morning. Her nipples were hard during the entire meal.

I move my leg between her thighs and press my erection even harder against her.

“Don’t,” she begs.

“If you don’t want me, why cut me off from the other women?”

Gia returns her gaze to mine and looks me straight in the eyes. “To punish you for kidnapping me.”

A knife stabs in my chest at the seriousness in her stare. She means me harm and I want revenge. I’m enraged. No one crosses me, tricks me like this. “You’re my wife. Legally. I have a right to what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours and I’m not giving myself to you.”

“You will,” I grind between clenched teeth and aggressively squeeze her tit.

“Only if you force yourself on me. I didn’t mark you as a rapist.”

Her words have bite, and they sting. They hurt. The knife now twisting as she slowly pulls it out. I drop her wrist and her tit and step back.

“We leave at one-thirty. Pack your fucking closet or not. I don’t give a fuck.” I storm out of her room, this time slamming her door.

She cut me where it hurt the most. Somehow, she found my Achilles heel and reveled in exposing it. I won’t force myself on her and I won’t go against our contract.

There is no way in hell I can carry out my plan right now. She fucked with my head.
