Page 95 of Stone’s Revenge

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He lets out another laugh. “I’m not the one who wants her. It’s Antonio. He’s had his balls twisted up for her for years.”

Antonio has her.I feel the color wash from my face. “What does he want with her when he has plenty of women at his disposal?” We’re still talking in code, not trusting the other.

“It’s not her, necessarily. It’s her pussy.”

I want to vomit at how terribly he speaks of his daughter. I’m a hypocrite because I’ve thought the same way about Gia, but not in such a manner. Not to hurt her, but because I wanted her. Is there a difference? Shit, I hope so.

I want to keep up the act, to say Antonio can have his way with her, that she doesn’t mean anything to me, and I am just using her to get property and ownership rights to Parisi Wines, but it would be a lie.

I don’t say anything.

“I promised him if he gave me an heir, I’d leave my...side business to him. He’s more interested in pussy than wine anyway.”

Flashes of light blind my vision. My pulse races as blood pumps through my veins. I don’t move. Don’t speak.

“I know your reputation with your puttanas. You don’t want little shits running around so I doubt you’ve fucked a baby in my daughter. Antonio’s doing that now.”

He starts to laugh, and I lunge at him, strangling him with my bare hands. One of his goons appears out of nowhere and Marco shoots him dead.

“Where?” I squeeze harder. “The fuck.” I squeeze some more. “Is Gia.”

Parisi gasps for air. I loosen my hold so he can speak. Barely.

“Bacha. Ma culo.” Kiss my ass. He tries to spit in my face, but I stop him with my fist to his nose. He falls on his ass and another man appears from the trail.

Marco takes care of him while I stand over Parisi, shoving one foot down on his neck.

“Where did he take her?”

He reaches for my ankle and tries to push me away but I’m stronger than he is, and he’s still gasping for air. I need to get to Gia before Antonio touches her.

Panic rises in my chest, and I think of her panic attacks. Is she having one now? Antonio won’t comfort her. He’ll use her vulnerability to his advantage and take from her.

Fuck. Is this how she felt when I kidnapped her? Parisi gets both hands on my foot and manages to push me away.

He doesn’t have enough energy to run so I allow him to sit up. I need answers.

“Where the fuck did he take her?” I pull my Glock from the waistband of my pants and point it at him.

“You won’t shoot me, little boy Rocco. Your father couldn’t either. He cried like a fucking baby as I fucked your mother in front of him. And Antonio had one hell of an orgasm as he stripped your sister’s virginity from her.”

I can’t control the rage anymore. I cock my gun and aim it between his eyes. I’ve vowed to keep her safe and once again I’ve let a woman I care about be destroyed at the hand of Parisi.

“You won’t shoot me. You’ll never find my slut of a daughter if you do.”

I kick him in the ribs, making him fall flat on the ground again and straddle him, keeping my gun aimed at him.

“You’re picturing them now, aren’t you? Your mama, your sister. And now your wife, getting fucked by Antonio. Kill me, but then you’ll never find Antonio and your slut of a wife.”

“I’ll kill him too.”

“You do that. That child will still be under my control. As soon as Callista is with child, you lose ownership of the shares to Parisi Wines and all access to this property. You had one shot, Parlatore, and like your father, you lost.”

I make sure Lorenzo Parisi is looking me straight in the eyes as I pull the trigger.
