Page 134 of Alpha King's Mate

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"I can see the top of his head mum, keep pushing,” she says, her little eyes staring between my legs and I take a deep breath and push.

Her eyes lighting up while I turn purple faced with pushing, yet nothing happens but a burning sensation.

"Don't stop,” she says but I shake my head, " I can't , I can't,” I tell her trying to catch my breath. I wipe my hands on the steps, sweat running off me everywhere.

The urge and contractions coming back just as the door opens again but I am already pushing, my eyes clenched tight as I press my chin to my chest.

"Keep going, keep going" Lucy squeals. Her voice was rising higher. When Ryker's scent wafts to me. And I take a deep breath before pushing again.

"That's it" I hear Ryker's voice before I feel burning pain before I feel his head slide out and I gasp sucking in much needed air and as I catch my breath.

Opening my eyes, I see Ryker and he leans over pecking my lips, his hand between my legs, holding his head.

Lucy between my legs still.

"Wanna catch your brother,” Ryker asks, looking down at her and she nods excitedly.

Ryker sits back and I feel another contraction coming on.

"Hands here Lucy,” Ryker tells her just as I push, I feel his shoulders slip out before he floods out in a rush, Ryker and Lucy catching him and I sigh with relief. Ryker wipes him with a towel and I look down before hearing his cry ring out loudly through the house. The sound of new life.

Lucy had him cradle in her lap, her little hands under his body while Ryker had his small head in his hand while he wiped him with the towel.

"You did it mum" she sobs and Ryker kisses her head.

"Here, I will wrap him up,” Ryker says, taking him from her and using the towel to wrap him in. He places him on my chest and Lucy comes over looking down at her new brother adoringly as she holds his fingers. Ryker kisses my lips also looking down at our new addition in our arms.

"Welcome to the world Rayan,” Ryker whispers.

Chapter 91


4 years later.

These bloody meetings were boring, but Ryker insisted we sit through the Alpha meet every year. We still had a year before we took over Black Moon Pack so I thought it rather pointless when we didn't actually get a say in anything yet.

They weren't so bad though, my entire family was here seeing as we all come from Alpha bloodlines. My aunty Lily was here with her husband Damian from the Crescent Pack, my older sister Lana and her two mates Tate and Drake from the forest Pack were here and of course my other sister Arial and Chase from Red River Pack were also present with my mother. Along with Black Creek Pack Alpha Jamie and his Luna and two other packs, who I couldn't for the life of me remember who the hell they are or from where. Kind of pointless when the majority of the packs were run by family, not like the other three packs could argue, no one wants to piss off Hybrid wolf packs and they sure as hell didn't want to piss off my brother Ryker the Alpha king. A title handed down from my mother, The former Alpha Queen.

Ace nudges me with his foot under the table trying to get my attention. Looking over at him he nods toward the Luna of Black Creek Pack.

"Check out the tits on her" he mind-links and I roll my eyes at him.

"Close your mouth, you just drooled on the table" I shoot back at him and he smirks.

"What I would do to those puppies" He says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Fucking nasty, she is old enough to be your mother,” I tell him.

"Got a nice rack though,” he says, and I sigh.

"Think they're fake?" He asks.

"I don't know, why don't you ask her mate,” I tell him, turning my attention back to Ryker who was looking at maps on the round wooden conference table.

"Not possible,” he says, looking at the Black Creek Alpha, he was in his fifties and thought his shit didn’t stink, couldn’t stand the old fart.

"Why, what could they possibly need all that land for, they aren't even running the pack,” Alpha Jamie says before glaring at me. Shit, what did I miss?
