Page 40 of My Two Alphas

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I sipped it, wondering why she was being nice. She almost seemed normal, like when I was a kid.

“Can you wake Tyson up later?” I mindlinked Jacob. I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

I watched my mother as she cleaned the kitchen, her giant belly getting in her way. She smiled, rubbing it, as she wiped the bench near me before stopping.

“Wanna feel it?” she asked, looking at me. I looked at it and saw her beaming down at me before she grabbed my hand, placing it on her belly. Her belly was hard before I felt a kick. I smiled, knowing it was my baby brother.

“Picked a name yet?” I asked.

“Hmm…” she hummed, and I placed my other hand on her belly, liking the feel of my brother moving around in her. I loved rubbing my mom’s belly when she was pregnant with Rayan.

“I like Ryden,” she said, and I nodded. I felt him kick again and smiled, looking at Rayan. “Feel, Rayan,” I whispered to him, but he was staring at my mother oddly, not taking his eyes off her. I smiled up at her before it slipped off my face, and I jerked my hands away from her, when I saw her glaring at me. I swallowed, and she growled before looking at Rayan.

“Time for school, son,” she said, looking at Rayan, and I recognized the change in her voice instantly as her wolf, Amanda. Jacob hopped up, and so did I, grabbing my bag. Rayan grabbed my hand, tugging me with him, and mom grabbed his face giving him a kiss before turning away from me.

“Love you, mom,” I told her, but she said nothing. I swallowed, walking out after Jacob and Rayan.

“Don’t take it personally, Lucy. She doesn’t mean it.” Yet she didn’t look at Rayan like that.

Jacob took us to school. My day was fine until I bumped into a boy in the hallway. I had avoided everyone’s radar all day until then. I knocked him down by accident, not seeing him as I turned the corner. I offered my hand to help him up and apologize, but he slapped my hand away. He stood, his blond hair falling in his eyes before he growled at me.

“Must suck being the bastard of the Hybrid Queen,” he said. I ignored him, about to walk past him when he grabbed my arm, shoving me into the locker.

“What? Nothing to say, Lucy? Or do you only answer to the teachers you fuck?” he said so loudly that the students around overheard and laughed.

“Whatever,” I told him, wondering how the hell that rumor got around the school.

“Josie said you fucked half the teachers there. Is that why your grades are so high in English? You sucking off Mr. Clay too?” he asked.That’s why he was being a prick. I remembered him as the kid that glared at me when I scored higher on the pop quiz. I clenched my fist and willed myself not to react, about to walk off.

“You fucking the principal? Is that why they let you back in?” he asked. I saw red, my gums tingling before I punched him. His head snapped back, blood spurting from his nose, and he shrieked just as the deputy walked around the corner.Fuck! Why didn’t you just ignore him?I mentally scolded myself.

“Lucy Black, my office! Now!” she shrieked. I sighed, grabbing my bag, and he smirked, knowing I was getting in trouble. Not like I actually hurt him, it would heal instantly anyway. I hoped it would heal crooked. I smiled at that before trudging to the office.

“Not even a week, and you are already in trouble.”

“He was picking on me,” I told her, sitting down when she pulled a chair out, telling me to sit.

“Words can’t harm you. You overreacted. Now, I need to call your mother Lucy. This will be a suspension,” I groaned.

“What about him?”

“Did he hit you?” she asked, peering at me over her glasses.

“No!” I sulked.

“What did he say then that would deserve a smack?” I didn’t bother telling her, instead folding my arms across my chest. The last thing I needed was for the teachers to start gossiping too. Bad enough Josie spread shit to the kids here. If only Mitchell was there, he wouldn’t have been game enough to say shit.

She looked my name up to get my mother’s details.

“You’re not living at home, Lucy?” she asked, and I furrowed my brows.

“Pardon?” I asked.

“You have Jacob and Ace listed as your contacts.”

I smiled, hoping she would call Jacob, then I wouldn’t have to worry about my mother.

“Go sit in the hall while I call your guardians,” she said, and I snatched my bag off the floor, storming out.
