Page 2 of Perfectly Knot

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The interview was done via their computers, and the kind woman who I spoke with had been beyond patient and understanding. KDC didn’t know the full extent of my background, but just enough that they allowed my background and reference checks to pass through the system.

She looked at my resume. “I have some forms for you to fill out. Did you bring your ID?”

I pulled it out from my purse for the second time today, handing it over to her as she passed me a few papers which I picked up, and a pen to fill it out with.

“Now, you’ll be working at reception on the first floor.” She turned in her seat to a small scanner on the other side of her desk. “You’ll check people into the building, handle incoming mail before the mailroom comes for it, answer phones, and general labor as needed.”

I nodded as I filled out the first form. “Yes, ma’am. I’m prepared.”

“I have no doubt.” She handed me my ID back. “I’ll have security get you your badge by the end of business today hopefully. You’ll train for this week with Gladys downstairs.”

I’d just finished filling out the legal documents when there was a knock on Sora’s door and a breathtaking man stuck his head in.

“Sora, do you have those reports I asked…” His deep voice trailed off as our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat. The beta was tall, much taller than my barely five-foot-three. He was lean, like most betas, without the massive bulk belonging to alphas. Dark hair brushed over the tops of his broad shoulders, but it was his deep green eyes with flecks of gold that made me stop breathing slightly.

“Ah. Julian, yes.” Sora looked up at him. “I emailed you the report about twenty minutes ago.”

The man kept my gaze. “Ah. Great. Sorry to disturb you Ms…” He cleared his throat.

“Alena,” I replied softly, unable to stop my name from spilling out of my mouth.

“Thank you, Alena.” His tongue came out to lick his lower lip before he nodded and disappeared. The way he said my name made a shiver run down my spine.

I could breathe a little better after he left, but my heart still raced in my chest. Shaking my head, I went back to paying attention to Sora, trying desperately to put the beta out of my mind.

But of course I failed.

* * *


Once I reached the private elevator, I slumped against the cool metal walls and sucked in a harsh breath. I clutched a hand to my chest as my mind was still back in Sora’s office. That new omega employee had the most gorgeous gray eyes I’d ever seen. Something in me had snapped. It took all of my concentration to remain calm and leave the office.

There was something about the curvy omega that had my senses firing on all cylinders. I’d only gotten a quick glance at her, but my mouth watered. If I was acting like this with just a gaze, how would I react being closer?

The elevator arrived on the seventieth floor and I marched out onto the private floor where my pack and I worked together. I went straight to my office, sitting down in my chair while rubbing my face.

“Sir?” My secretary, Rayna, appeared in the doorway. “You’re back early.”

Taking a deep inhale, I focused.

“I forgot something.” Unlocking my computer, I pulled up my email. “Rayna, are the others here?”

“Yes, sir.” The young beta brushed some hair behind her ear. “Would you like me to get them together?”

I pulled up the email from Sora with the report I’d been looking for. My fingers twitched on top of the keyboard as a thought went through my head. “Yes. Tell them to meet me in the conference room.” The idea would either work out very well, or bite me in the ass. I emailed Sora quickly.

Rayna nodded before rushing off to get my friends and business partners. She’d been with me for almost three years. A talented beta with a no-nonsense attitude, she fit in perfectly on this floor. She was never anything more than a sister to all of us, none of our tastes mingling enough for even an experimental night between the sheets.

Now Alena…

Something about that omega called to me. If I was an alpha, I’d be purring. There was pain hidden in those big gray eyes and I wanted to help her. I didn’t miss the slight silver lines on the right side of her face, despite the amount of makeup she applied to hide it.

Someone had hurt this omega, and I would make it my mission to protect her and find those that wronged her. Now I just had to get the others on board too.

Who was I kidding? They would get a lingering sniff of her scent and act even more protective than I was. Alphas in every sense of the word. Xavier, Elias, and Simon would be all over her.

“Yo, we’re all in the conference room.” I looked up as Xavier stood in the doorway. “You coming to your own meeting?”
