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A moment later, the elevator doors opened, revealing a sitting room with a few plush couches and expensive-looking artwork on the wall. The twins took me down a hallway, unlocked a door, and pushed me inside, locking the door behind them.

It took me a moment to realize I wasn’t alone in the dim room. A man who had to be in his sixties wearing a butler’s uniform stood by a bar cart. God, was Dante Marcello actually Bruce Wayne or something?

“Good evening, Ms. Hartville,” the butler said. He was even English, just like Alfred Pennyworth. “Is there anything I can offer you to drink?”

“Leave me the fuck alone is what you can do,” I said, glaring at him.

“Very good, Ms. Hartville,” Alfred said. He walked to the door, used a key to unlock the door, and left the room. A second later, I heard the lock slide back into place.

“That was incredibly rude,” a deep voice said, nearly making me jump out of my skin.

I looked around the room but didn’t see anyone.

“I’ve seen too many episodes of 48 Hours and 60 Minutes to fall for that,” I said, still looking around. “I’m not going to drink something laced and wake up in a bathtub without my kidneys.”

I heard a chuckle from my left and watched as a man stepped from the shadows.

I gasped. It was the man from the fashion show, the hot one I’d locked eyes with. Damn, he was even hotter up close. He had a pensive expression on his face and was clearly sizing me up.

Taking a step closer to him, I asked, “So you’re the guy who sent your thugs to kidnap me?”

The man nodded, opening his mouth to speak.

But I didn’t let him, slapping him as hard as I possibly could.


I was surprised by the taste of blood in my mouth after Sadie slapped me.

The impact of her hand on my face caused me to bite down on my tongue. I brought my fingers to my sore cheek and felt the burn. My cheek must have been reddening something fierce.

Sadie and I continued to stare at each other. Something about her face led me to believe she was just as surprised by her actions as I was. My shock was understandably palpable as I couldn’t recall a time I’d ever been treated as such in my entire life. No one treated Dante Marcello like that. They were all too scared to, and with good reason.

And yet Sadie had. She swung her hand back and attempted to lay waste to my face. She was surprisingly strong, the pain radiating across my face. Her hand had connected with the side of my eye and I wondered if it would leave a bruise. Wouldn’t that be something? Dante Marcello sporting a bruise with the offender living to tell the tale.

I was unprepared for just how aroused I felt. My cock began to tighten in my pants. Would Sadie notice? Would she like the fact that the barest touch of her skin made me hard for her?

Slaps and hits from a woman had never turned me on in the past, not that it ever happened beyond the bedroom. I could only recall women smacking my ass to indicate they wanted me to fuck them harder. I always got the hint, but the act itself didn’t do anything for me. Maybe I would enjoy it if Sadie did it.

Sadie took a step backward. This distance seemed to help her regain her composure. She scowled at me, her fury radiating off her. “I told Twin One and Twin Two to let me go, and I’m going to tell you the same damned thing. Let me go or else!”

I chuckled. “Or else what, Ms. Hartville? What will happen to you if I don’t let you go?”

Pointing her finger at me, she said, “Your goons broke down my front door and left the thing wide open when they abducted me. People will notice. My neighbors will notice. And my family will get suspicious if they don’t hear from me. They’ll call the cops and track you down.”

The more she talked, the harder I grew. The effect Sadie had on me was strange. Normally, I liked my women passive, receptive to me. But not Sadie. I liked her tenacity.

Deciding I needed a drink, I walked over to the drink cart and poured myself a glass of red wine. I took a sip and smiled. The wine was just what I needed. It was unlike me to down wine like a common heathen, but I did. Then I poured myself another glass and did the same thing.

It wasn’t something I’d ever do in front of anyone else. Needing alcohol to take the edge off was a sign of vulnerability, but I found myself unconcerned if Sadie found me vulnerable. Vulnerability was a sign of humanity and it could endear her to me.
