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“So, what do you think about coming to the wedding as my date? We could make it our very first appearance as a couple.” Excitement bubbled up inside Charlotte. It would be so nice to attend her brother’s wedding with the man she loved. She felt so happy she thought she might burst.

Marc’s expression was shuttered. He looked uncomfortable. And he didn’t answer her right away, which surprised her.

“Earth to Marc. Aren’t you going to give me an answer?” she pressed. A bad feeling swept over her.

His expression was troubled. “Charlotte. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” She felt baffled. What could be bad about attending a wedding?

“You know why not. I think it would be uncomfortable.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked. “Case is marrying Fancy, so he’s clearly moved on from everything.”

Marc shook his head. “It’s one thing for Case to extend forgiveness to his future wife, but don’t you think it’s kind of pushing it to have me there as a guest?”

“You’re not a threat to their relationship.” Charlotte couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All this time everyone had been stressing to her the importance of forgiveness and leaving the past behind them.

“No, I’m not. But out of respect I think I should steer clear until Case and I can at least have a cordial conversation.”

“Marc, you’re being inflexible,” Charlotte protested.

“No, Charlotte. I’m not. I’m trying to be reasonable. I sincerely don’t think this is the time to come out as a couple.”

Charlotte struggled to understand Marc’s stance. She was suddenly full of suspicion. If Marc was truly falling in love with her, why wouldn’t he want to be seen with her at a public event? Tears pooled in her eyes. She believed in what she was building with Marc. And she didn’t want to hide it any longer. She’d told Case and Fancy all about her budding relationship with Marc. It had been difficult—incredibly so—but she had done it because of her deep feelings for Marc. It felt like a slap in the face to be denied by him. She was tired of going to social engagements by herself. She wanted more than anything for Marc to be her date.

“Did Case tell you to invite me? Did Fancy?” Marc asked.

“No,” Charlotte admitted. “But I know they would be okay with it.”

“And what if it’s not okay?” he asked. “What if Case tells you he doesn’t want the two of us together? That he doesn’t feel comfortable with me at his wedding?”

“He won’t. Case is the most generous man in the world. He’d do anything for me.”

Marc sighed. “I know how close the two of you are. You love him. He’s your best friend. But I think you’re misreading the situation. Minimizing it. You expect Case to have me as a guest at his wedding and to accept our relationship all in one fell swoop. Don’t you think that’s aiming for the stars? You can’t expect everything to fall into place like that in one fell swoop.”

“I want to aim for the stars. If we don’t we’ll never know what might be possible.” Hurt flared inside her. Why was Marc being so negative? Why did he sound so doubtful all of a sudden? Her throat felt clogged. Her eyes stung.

“Charlotte. You need to slow down. We can’t shove this down people’s throats.”

“I-I’m not. How can you say something like that?” Charlotte asked. She felt tears on her cheeks.

“Baby, please don’t be upset.” March reached out for her and Charlotte sidestepped him. He had wounded her with his attitude and comments. Why couldn’t he just go along with her to make her happy? What was really going on inside his heart and mind?

All of sudden it hit her like a thunder bolt. Pain shot through her as the realization washed over her. How in the world hadn’t she seen this coming? Love had blinded her to reality.

She raised a trembling hand to her throat. “Oh. I get it. Wow. How blind could I be?”

Marc furrowed his brow. He twisted his mouth. “Charlotte. What do you think you get?”

“It’s obvious. You still have feelings for Fancy. That’s why you don’t want to go to the wedding. This has absolutely nothing to do with Case or timing or being patient. It has to do with the fact that you’re still in love with Fancy.”

* * *

Marc was so stunned by Charlotte’s words he found himself speechless. He felt a prickling sensation in his gut. Charlotte had the power to wound him. Terribly. And she had. It felt as if she’d stuck a knife in his ribs. How in the world could she doubt his feelings for her? And why on earth would she thin

k he still cared for Fancy? It felt like she was throwing his past directly in his face and reminding him of a painful topic all at once.

“I-I have no idea why you would say such a thing,” he said in a clipped tone.

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