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Son of a bitch, she slept with Luke. She slept with Luke and Brett and Bram know. Luke had earned ‘The First One’ fair and square, but we swore we would wait until after the wedding. My blood boiled, but in both a good and bad way. If Luke had broken the rules, the rest of us could as well… right? Brett and Bram were probably already planning their ways to rack up some points.

Once the dinner was over, Khloe immediately slipped out of the hall. I glanced around at the rest of the guys and when I was confident no eyes were on her or me, I followed after her. I noticed her some distance down the hallway, leaning against the wall and fanning her face. I approached her with a grin on my face, zeroing in on her like a shark to bloody waters.

“You bolted out of there like the police were looking for you,” I said.

Khloe looked up at me and then rolled her eyes. “Leave me alone.”

Ouch. Things seemed better with Luke, Brett, and Bram, but evidently that had not yet passed to me. “Well that’s not very nice.”

“I just wanted to get some air,” she said.

I looked around and then back at her. “You do realize we’re still inside, right?”

Khloe scoffed. “I didn’t realize that, thank you, now go away.”

I stepped even closer to her until I could put a hand against the wall on one side of her head. “I will not. At least not until you tell me how things went with Luke.” Khloe opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off. “No, he didn’t tell me, I’m a doctor, I know the signs of sex.” I used a finger to flick a piece of her hair aside. “Besides, there’s a hickey on your neck.” Khloe’s hand flew to a spot on her neck and I let out a loud laugh. “There’s no hickey, but you confirmed my suspicions, so thank you for being utterly predictable.”

Khloe’s eyes narrowed at me and she looked as though she was ready to chop my head off. “Why do you always do that? Why do you have to look down on me and make me feel stupid and insignificant?”

I recoiled a bit. I had no idea she felt that way. I had just assumed that we were all guilty by association with Luke, it was a shock to find out there was an actual reason she disliked me. “I didn’t know I was doing that.”

“All the time. I get you’re a doctor and super smart, but I’m smart too, and there’s no shame in an atypical career path. Just because I’m a wedding planner doesn’t mean my job is any less important than yours,” she spat at me.

I blinked a few times and then bowed my head. “N-no, I would never suggest that. I honestly did not realize I was making you feel that way. I’m sorry.” Khloe looked up at me with annoyed disbelief, but I held up my free hand and set it to her cheek. “Truly. I didn’t mean to make you feel stupid or insignificant. I believe quite the opposite to be true about you. Truthfully, I just don’t think I learned how to flirt with women or really impress them in any way.” I looked around and then leaned in a little more. “That’s why I became a doctor. It tends to impress on its own.” Unless, of course, the woman was Khloe, a perpetually difficult to impress kind of woman. “I’m still stuck in the preschool, pull a girl’s pigtails, stage of flirting. I’m sorry.”

Khloe’s expression softened a bit. “That’s okay. I don’t think you’re the only guy in this group who thinks that’s the best way to flirt.”

I thought of Luke and smiled. “Maybe that’s why we get along so well.” I looked into her eyes. “Since I’m not good with indirect, I’ll go with direct. I’m attracted to you. I have been attracted to you for a long time, but if you just want to be with Luke, I’ll back off, but we all want you.”

Khloe gazed into me, the expression of curiosity shackling me to her space. “Luke told me the same thing,” she admitted. Her lip curled between her teeth. “Is it wrong for me to want all of you too?”

In terms of a green light, that was all I needed. I pressed Khloe against the wall and let my lips find hers. She grabbed my waist and pulled me against her, and I wasn’t about to deny her any closeness. I pushed against her until my rapidly hardening dick was poking at her, and laced my tongue into her mouth. Hers danced with mine, while Khloe herself snuck a hand between us and started to massage my dick through the fabric of my pants. I grabbed onto her breasts through her dress and started to squeeze and knead them myself, loving the way I needed to take them into full fists. She was a well endowed woman, and I had every intention of glorifying her breasts as much as they deserved. I was a breast man after all; it was only right.
