Page 56 of Knotty Lessons

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Dad: What do you want, Scarlett? Your mom said you’ve been avoiding her. Until you can grow up and be mature, I’m staying out of everything. You can’t expect me to accept your pack if you can’t even act like an adult.

My mouth falls agape at his response. Is he fucking kidding me? Of course my mom would play the victim. She’s always a goddamn victim, blaming us for every single one of her mistakes or for not being her obedient daughters, ensuring that she continues her life of luxury now that she’s no longer popping out babies. She can’t rely on her own damn pussy, so she wants to control ours.

Me: I don’t know what Mom has said, but I’ve been trying to reach her for a while. She keeps contacting my alphas and asking for money. If you guys are so hard up, maybe she should demand the pack gives her more. It’s the least they can do, considering we’re the ones doing all the work. They should be the ones to deal with her. Not me.

Dad: Your mom said that your alphas were trying to sweeten her up because she disapproved of them.

Me: We want nothing to do with her. She’s greedy and constantly threatens to ruin my life.

Dad: Perhaps it would be best if you just came home. You’ll get over your infatuation with these alphas. They’re not the only ones in the world. It will make life for all of us easier. You think you love them, but it hasn’t been long. You can fall in love again.

Fury rushes through me, and I dig my nails into my palms, stopping myself from chucking my phone at the wall. I can’t believe this. I don’t even know why I bothered. He would never take my side. Mom would never stop harassing him if he did. She’d withhold sex or something, going to one of my other dads. She’s always been manipulative. Using her body to her advantage.

But she’s not going to use it against me.

I won’t allow it.

Me: Never mind. Forget I tried to reach out to you. If you see Mom, tell her that she’s a cunt.

My phone rings, my dad choosing to call me for the first time in who knows how long. I decline it, knowing that he’s going to try to yell at me and defend my mom.

I block him. There’s no point in trying to ask him for help when he clearly doesn’t want to give it to me. He might have always been more mild-mannered and mostly an acceptable father, but his lack of involvement speaks volumes. It really shows where my place is with him.

Tears burn my eyes, and I blink them away. This isn’t how I wanted to start off my day. I need to be left alone. I want my pack to be left alone. They’re doing everything they can to ensure I’m happy, and I wish I could ensure that they are as well. I don’t want them to have to deal with the bullshit of my life.

My phone rings again, and I sigh, seeing my mom’s contact flash on the screen. It takes everything in me to gather my will to accept the call because I’m just so over her, but this needs to be done.

“Before you say a goddamn word, you’re going to let me speak. I’ve had enough of your bullshit. I have done everything that you have asked of me my entire life. I will not sit back and let you threaten and coerce my pack into giving you more than you deserve. They paid the dowry for me. They’ve taken the time to ensure you were happy, and they deserve me. I have already accepted their marriage proposal, and it’s time for you to back off. If you don’t, then I will go to Pack Carlisle’s leader. I think you have a lot more to lose than I do, and I’m not going to let you scare me into compliance anymore.” My body shakes with my words, my anger seizing my muscles.

“Oh, Scarlett. Why do you have to be so mean to me? I have been looking out for you. I have given up so much to give you a good life, and you repay me with hostility and a bad attitude. You didn’t even let me speak to know that I was only calling to apologize. I’m sorry, honey.” Mom’s voice whines through the phone, her words cracking. “It’s so tough being a mom of seven omegas. You don’t know how much work goes into arranging everything to give you such a good life. I’m sorry if things came across as they have, but I’m just looking out for you, my sweet baby. I don’t want you in a situation you’ll regret later. I know that those alphas of yours are probably pressuring you to do this, so I want to make sure you know that you have options. Take some birth control for your upcoming heat. You don’t want to get knocked up before you’re married. You don’t know their intentions just yet. They keep pushing off something that should’ve already happened. They know what’s at risk, and they don’t even care.”

Mom gasps a breath, sniffling into the phone.

I see past her fake concern. Something dark lies within her words, setting off my fear instincts. Why would she say such things? Why would she mention my heat and pregnancy? It happens all the time if an omega gets engaged to her alphas too close to their season. It’s not a dealbreaker and never has been, because the betrothal and paying the dowry have always been enough. That’s why we must be engaged before our twenty-second birthday and allowed to marry after.

“They do care, Mom. You don’t even know anything. They have been nothing but kind, respectful, and loving, and they make me happy. I make them happy too.” My mouth dries with my words. I shouldn’t have to defend myself or my alphas.

“They say they do, but actions speak louder than words, honey. All I want to do is protect you. These men are far older, and the only reason why they want an omega is to breed with. They could just knock you up, take claim of their heir, and toss you aside. They could ignore you for the rest of your life. You will be out of everything, especially if something happens. They don’t care about you. They only care about their own bloodline. There’s no other reason why alphas would wait so long in their lives to take on an omega. It was very clear in the arrangement that they were ready to finally have children.” Mom groans under her breath, sniffling again as if she’s been crying over the whole situation. “Your daddy agrees with me. He thinks that this engagement is wrong. But he wants you to fail and see the mistakes you’ve made. I care about you. So please, take some birth control and protect yourself. See what happens after your heat when they realize you were not knocked up. They’ll call off the wedding. They’ll see about finding someone else.”

A tap sounds on my door, and I swivel in my chair, watching as Dominic peeks his head in at me. Tears spill across my cheeks, my emotions getting the best of me. I can’t contain them any longer. It’s as if his presence alone is enough to trigger my body into knowing that he will hug me and take care of me as everything spills over, my mom pushing me over the edge.

“You’re wrong,” I argue, my voice cracking. “You’re so fucking wrong. They love me. They aren’t using me to breed. You are. You’re making money off me and my body. So don’t give me this bullshit. You don’t care about me. You care about no one but your damn fucking self.”

Dominic strides across the room, growling deep in his throat.

“Goddamn it, Scarlett! Just do as I say. You’re going to regret it otherwise.” Mom’s attitude flips, the fake concern in her voice turning into annoyance. “I promise you that.”

Dominic snatches the phone from my hand, another deep, guttural noise escaping his throat. “Don’t talk to my omega like that. She is no longer of your concern. If you continue to threaten us or blackmail us, I will go to the public. They will see just what kind of woman the mother of the Steele sisters really is.”

“Don’t threaten me!” Mom’s voice sounds out through the speaker, her scream getting under my skin.

Dominic disconnects the call and sets my phone down, scooping me up into his arms to cradle me close. I break down, everything crashing over me, threatening to drown me. How could everything be so right when the world outside us is so wrong? How could my family be so fucked up?

“I’m done with them. I’m so fucking done with her.” I tremble with my words, my anger and fear threatening to swallow me whole. “I don’t know what the fuck she’s planning, but I don’t like it. She kept mentioning for me to take birth control.”

Dominic relocates me to my bed, holding me on his lap as he rubs his fingers across my cheeks, smearing my tears away. “I won’t let her do anything crazy. I have been keeping track of every single thing she has done and said.”

“I don’t think you understand. She’s insane. She’s done some fucked up shit to my sisters too. I don’t trust her. She’s going to try to ruin our lives.” I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing in deep breaths, trying to get my emotions in control.

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