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Chapter 6


Saving Grace

I’M GOING TO fucking destroy him. Lucian will pay for doing this to me and stealing my chance to make it up to Raven for how I failed her in our past lives. I was so close to proving myself worthy of our bond as soulmates. But now? Fuck. If I die alone, I won’t be able to claim a throne in Hell. I’ll...I don’t know. I might be reincarnated. I might end up in fucking Heaven. My soul was bound to Hell because of a demon. Because of Vincent.

I’m going to kill his fucking monstrous ass too.

Because fuck this.

I will not die in this damn room. I won’t.

I already have my mind, body, and soul set on going out with a fucking bang—banging my damn perfect woman—until I just keel over. There is no other way I want to go. Not now. Not ever.

Strolling to the window, I fling the billowing curtain open and stare at the city lights. I pop the lock and slide it open. I’m on the fourth floor of an apartment building with a demonic guard at the door. I’ve thought about jumping at least a thousand times. Maybe if I wasn’t constantly hacking or if I had the strength to grab onto the ledges of the windows on the way down, I would. Right now, if I jump, I’d probably kill myself. If only three days hadn’t passed by.

Something is wrong if Raven and the other devils haven’t hunted me down yet.

Fuck. Who knew I could miss living in a mansion with the fucking devils. I honestly don’t give a damn as long as Raven remained by my side. I planned to go to Hell for her.

I slam my palms to the window. “Fucking damn it! Piece of shit, son-of-a-bitch bastard! Let me the fuck out!”

My lungs seize, and I bow forward and cough, wheezing and gasping. Pain explodes through my body, sending me to my aching knees, black and blue from getting the shit kicked out of them when I tried to run.

I slump onto my side and groan. “Please, God. I know I shouldn’t pray to you after what I’ve done, but I’m not the same man. I’m begging you to hear my pleas. Raven doesn’t deserve this fate because of me. It was never her fault. Not in this life or in the last. God, please give me the strength to survive for her. Please don’t let me be the reason her soul gets damned to Hell.”

“My fallen brethren. Can you manage to get up? We cannot cross the shield.” A soft, masculine voice whispers above me, humming through the glass. It scrapes as it slides open. “If you can get close enough, I can help you the best I can.”

I blink and stare at the glowing light trickling in. Opening and closing my mouth, I try to respond, but all I can get out is another wheezing cough. My ribs throb, still tender from getting punched in the side. At least Lucian’s burning handprint faded. I was worried I’d be stuck with it until—well, until I die.

“Elias, please. It’s Zade. I don’t have a lot of time. They’ll sense I’m here.” Zade’s light grows brighter, his silhouette now shadowed on the wall across from the window. “Come on. You can do it. I have faith in your strength.”

This asshole. Faith in strength I don’t even fucking have. What he asks feels impossible. I can’t even catch my breath.

“If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for Raven. She’s been in Hell because she stood up to Lucian. I’m here because of her, so I’m begging you. Please try.” Zade sends a cool breeze through the cracked window, clearing the agonizing fog from my mind. At least enough to plant my palms to the ground.

With all my remaining strength, I push to my hands and knees and hang my head.

Zade’s light grows brighter almost like someone shines a flashlight into the room. “Almost here. If you can kneel—”

“Zade, what are you doing? You were supposed to keep an eye on Dante and Kase. They’ve been more active in their recruitment with the arrival of Lucifer. The devils’ estate was empty.” A deep, gruff voice cuts Zade off, and I recognize Cassius’s voice from when he interrupted a hot as fuck moment with Raven and Micah, something we hadn’t even had a chance to try again because it’s hard to get her alone.

A blip of fear tightens my chest, or maybe it’s my oncoming coughing fit trying to kill me, either way, I start hacking, my chest rattling. I drop back to my stomach, wishing my body would chill the fuck out. Being here is already torturous enough. I don’t need the coughing bullshit.

Cassius intakes a sharp breath. “What are you doing with him? Raven made herself clear about where she stands. We cannot intervene. He’s not our threat or problem. The blasted devils are what trouble us. Lucian is.”

The angelic light illuminating the wall and ceiling fades with Zade’s lack of response. I inhale slowly, trying not to cough again as I push to my hands and knees again. Silence hangs in the air, and I fear that the angels left, and I lost my chance for help.

“Saviors, please. Please, I’m begging you. Don’t leave,” I mutter, forcing the words to come out. “I’m getting up. I can be of use to you if you hear me out.”

I groan and struggle, dragging myself to my knees using the windowsill. Cassius and Zade flap their wings, managing to effortlessly hover in place. I envy their brilliant, heavenly wings right now, more than I thought possible. I don’t remember the moment I lost mine, and I couldn’t give a fuck about such a thought, but I want wings just to be able to get out of here. If what Zade says about Raven is true—fuck.

“Oh, Elias. How pitiful you look. Do you carry any regret for your actions? I don’t know what it’s like to have been reborn as a mortal, nor do I think you understand the full extent of what you have done, but surely you remember something. Your very essence—your soul, I suppose—would never forget. Not after living amid Heaven’s chosen.” Cassius thins his lips, giving me a once over. “Such a shame, to be honest. You should have to suffer for all the pain you put so many through.”

This fucking dickhead. How am I supposed to ask him for help and to show mercy after I punch him in the face? Because that’s what I plan to do. Someone needs to fucking knock his righteous ass down a few notches, and I’ll gladly do it.

“You’re being unfair, Cass,” Zade says quietly, keeping just out of arm’s reach of his angelic brethren. “Elias has been through enough. Just give him a moment to speak to you.”
