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I climb into bed beside him and try my best to hug him without touching him too much. I know he wouldn’t let me know if I was hurting him. “Micah, he’s cold. Will you take his other side? You’re like a giant heater.”

Micah smirks and nods, easing onto Elias’s other side. He helps him readjust, positioning him on his side to keep weight off his back. I hold Elias’s cool hands between mine while Micah plays the big spoon. Any other time I’d be amused as fuck, and maybe even tease him, but all I want to do is kiss Elias and fill him with my love.

Micah chuckles and nuzzles his face on Elias’s shoulder. “He wants me to tell you to behave because he’s afraid you’re going to give me an erection—er, a boner.”

My laughter fills the air, and I bow in and kiss Elias. “And to think I was going to strip naked so you could use my boobs as pillows. Sucking my nipples might distract you for a bit. But if you’re that worried—”

Again, Micah chuckles. “He’s changed his mind and will accept the risk as long as I promise not to rest it between his legs and tuck it up.”

I smile against his lips and ease back just enough to peer into his beautiful gray eyes. He blinks them slowly, the effort to keep them open obvious. He’s out of it, but manages to remain a bit alert, which helps. If he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be able to maintain composure. There is definitely no way I could give him the end he wants.

Reaching over Elias, Micah surprises me by running a flaming finger up my back, burning my shirt in half before doing the same to the short sleeves. I’m not sure if it was Elias’s idea or not, but I can’t stop grinning, seeing a new spark light in Elias’s eyes.

“Your tits give me life,” Elias whispers, his words coming in gasps. “You give me life.”

“I told him you were worried that he wouldn’t be up to having sex as he goes,” Micah thinks to me, keeping it between us.

I’m still not sure about the whole thing. I realize that I’m kinkier than I thought, but to ride him until he dies...? I might need a couple shots of tequila to make his dream come true. Maybe a venom bite from Dante. Possibly some edibles on top of it all.

I don’t get much of a chance to think about it, because Micah tugs me a bit higher onto the pillow and jiggles my boobs, caressing them to Elias’s face. The two of them have way too much fun with this, and I squirm and laugh until Elias gets a burst of energy and sucks my nipple into his mouth at the same time he reaches between my legs and strokes my clit, my panties long gone, ripped off by Dante on our flight home. Luckily, the horny bastard pulled out to make sure I didn’t drip.

“You’re right, Elias. She’s so beautiful and sexy. We’re lucky to have her.” Micah murmurs, keeping my eye contact as I fall into the sensations Elias creates on my body. “I’m incredibly thankful to you, my friend. Your leap of faith in this irresistible soul brought her to me. To us. Which is why I’m going to accept the tether to Hell as a thank you. I want to be here for both of you through this the best I can. I will ensure your kingdom rises.”

I gasp at both the pressure of Elias’s fingers rubbing my clit and Micah’s words. “What? I thought you all made an agreement to swap places yearly?”

“Things changed. I believe that you’re in need of Andre on this plane. I’d like to personally see to Elias as well. It’s time for me. Being’s hard, heathen. I struggle with many things, and you don’t need the stress.” Micah leans over and touches his fingers to my chin, guiding my chin upward. “You will never miss me. I will be here upon your request. Always.”

“But Micah—” A sharp zing of pleasure steals the words from my mouth as Elias slides his fingers into me.

Micah groans. “No buts and no more discussion. Let Elias take care of you, okay? It’s what he wants today and until his descent is about him.”

They’re lucky that my body trembles and my mind numbs, stopping me from arguing.

“I love you,” I murmur, taking turns kissing each of them. “If this is what you want...”

“It’s what we need. What you need.” Micah cuddles close to Elias’s back, smiling at me from over his shoulder. “We’re going to be amazing, you know. You’ll see. Maybe by tonight, Elias’s kingdom will finally come.”

I can’t stop thinking of the familiar prayer my parents would say at bedtime when I was a kid.

Elias’s kingdom...Zade’s. Cassius’s. Once their kingdom’s come, I will be done. With Earth. With Heaven.

Purgatory will win.

The angels will see.
