Page 63 of Wild Wolves

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“My place? My place is back in civilization.” Shadows crowd my vision. My breath quickens, and I struggle to keep my shit together. I want so badly to charge him again in an attempt to attack him, but I know it won’t get me anywhere. He’s expecting it. I need to surprise him somehow.

“It’s not. Now, come on. We don’t have a lot of time. If you want to see the rest of your group and say goodbye in case, let me take you. We had to snatch them or Twilight Cove would have.” Ravi steps closer and offers his hand to me, acting as if the knife I hold isn’t a threat.

“I think we should go with him, Eliana. We don’t really know what else to do. If he can take us to—”

Ravi charges forward, snatching me off my feet and swinging me over his shoulder. He locks his other arm on Adam and drags him, forcing him to run beside us. I stare at the ground, my heart racing. The knife falls from my fingers before I can even defend myself.

“Don’t scream, princess. Someone’s coming.” Ravi’s voice hums through my mind. “You need to trust me. I’m your mate now. I will not allow anything to happen to you.”

I don’t respond to him.

I don’t think I’ll ever trust a lykoswulf. Not now. Not ever. Ravi seems like he’s trying to help, but so did Kellan. I won’t be fooled again.

The second I get a chance, I’ll make him regret biting me.

I’ll make the whole island regret ever bringing me here, even if I must become as feral as them. My humanity will die with the moon. I know it. Now I must embrace it. It’s the only way I’ll ever have the future I want.

Chapter twenty-one


Wild Wolves

ARIDICULOUSLYBUFFmanstruts from the trees with his dick swinging between his legs. Ravi keeps his hand across the back of my legs, not setting me on my feet as we remain hidden. But I can see the guy upside down. He tips his head back and inhales a deep breath before taking in the surroundings.

“There are two packs through here and the girl. They can’t be that far.” The man says the words out loud, twisting on the balls of his feet.

My heart sinks into my stomach at the site of Kellan and another man closing in. What is he doing? I knew I should’ve never trusted him. I’m not his supposed soulmate. I can’t believe I fucked the guy, and here he is either hunting me or torturing these people alongside the other men.

“I’ll keep looking. They can’t have our recruits or our female.” The other man rubs his hand on the back of his neck and glances at Kellan. “Head south. Call your connections and see if they’ve seen anything.”

Kellan swivels on the balls of his feet and stares at all the dead bodies. “Yes, sir.”

I scrunch my face at how formal he sounds when addressing the other man. In this moment, Kellan looks less threatening. He almost looks as if he lacks any power at all.

“Because he does. That wolf is so low in his pack that he might as well be...human. He is here to serve his pack and nothing else. We refer to him as infraborne.” Ravi thinks the words to me.

“So like an omega?” I know some things about animal hierarchy but not much. I know wolves in the human world act more as a family but this whole thing—lykoswulves—is different.

“Not quite, princess. That’s what you will be to me.” Ravi smirks with his words, enjoying the thought.

“And what am I going to be?” Adam’s voice rings through my mind next. Ravi was talking to both of us telepathically. It’s the strangest thing.

“You’re a pup. You’ll learn your place soon enough. I’ll teach you how to be a good boy.” Ravi’s smile widens, though he doesn’t say the words out loud. And the way he says it? I don’t even know how to take it. Is he joking? He has to be joking.

“I’m only joking if you stop thinking about the idea of this man being a good boy. You like it. I can sense it. You want him to be your good boy, princess. Don’t you?” Ravi’s words prod into my mind, but Adam doesn’t react, so I know that they were intended just for me.

Blush crawls up my chest, warming my neck and cheeks. The way he says it? What is wrong with me? I shouldn’t even humor his banter. He bit me. He forced a fate onto me that I did not want. He’s my enemy.

Or is he?

“Far from it, Eliana. You’ve met our true enemies. Those men prefer to see the destruction of you as you are considered weaker than them. Just wait until they realize who put a claim on you.” Ravi adjusts me in his arms, taking me off his shoulder but he doesn’t set me on my feet and instead cradles me. Looking into my eyes, he adds, “If only I had found you sooner and before the infraborne. He put thoughts in your head. He has nearly ruined your ability to trust me. And for that, he will pay.”

I shouldn’t feel the sudden fear at the idea of Ravi hurting Kellan, but I can’t control it. He was there for me and the rest of us. He gave us necessities. He protected me.

“He did the bare minimum. He should’ve done more. You shouldn’t have needed protection. You should’ve had necessities the moment you arrived and had not been left to the fates.” Ravi’s anger rushes through me, and I can feel his emotions as if they’re my own.

I gasp and jerk in his arms, bucking my body with my head rush. He remains steady as I flail, keeping a grip on me, ensuring I don’t fall.
