Page 25 of Natural History

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I love Gavin. I’ve loved him all these years, but what I feel for him now is something deeper than I could have imagined. I feel like I can let go of the idea of who I’m supposed to be, what I’m supposed to become, and justbe, knowing that whatever I am right now is what he wants, because he wantsme.

Not some idea of me, or some perfect version of me. Just me, as I am.

“I know you’re close, beautiful,” he rasps. “Tell me what you need.”

What I need is something a lot thicker than his fingers...

“Fuck me, Gavin,” I say breathlessly. “I need your cock.”

He gives my clit a final lick and then slides his boxers off.

I stare openly at Gavin’s cock as he kneels before me on the bed. He strokes himself languidly as his gaze traverses my body, getting off on the sight of me. I round my palm over the velvety head of his cock, smearing precum.

“Does this mean I get an A, Professor Dunn?” I flash him a sly grin.

Gavin sighs and shakes his head, but I can tell he’s trying not to smile.

“I think I like you calling me that way too much.”

His cock brushes my clit as he glides through my folds, making himself slick before he tests my opening. I whine softly as he thrusts inside me, stretching and filling me in a single stroke.

“God, Alexis...” He groans. “You feel so fucking good.”

“So do you.”

He lowers himself onto his elbows so he can kiss me while we fuck. I wrap my arms around him as our tongues dance.

My heart pounds a deep bass rhythm against my ribs. I’ve wanted Gavin for so long. Now I finally have him, and just as heady as my desire for him, is his desire for me. He wants me. Needs me. Craves me. I don’t know if he loves me, but for the moment I love him enough for the both of us.

He sits up without pulling out and draws me toward him, burying himself deep. His pelvis slaps my ass as he drives into me. Hard. Fast. Relentless.

I bask in the intensity of his gaze. His cock is so fucking hard, so insistent and hungry for me. Reaching between us, he rubs my clit with his thumb, granting me that last vital bit of sensation, the final push I need to send me flying.

My muscles clench, holding him so tightly I’m surprised it doesn’t hurt him. I cry out as my whole body shudders with the force of my climax.

“Fucking hell, beautiful.” Gavin pounds into me. “Tell me to pull out or I’m coming inside you.”

I should tell him to pull out. Getting pregnant during my senior year would seriously complicate things, and I don’t always remember to take my pill. But the truth is I don’t want him to pull out. I want him to reach his peak while he’s buried inside me.

“Don’t pull out,” I say.

Gavin’s arm goes around my waist. I cling to his shoulders as he lifts me onto his lap, bouncing me up and down on his cock. He thrusts upward, his fingertips biting my hip. He wedges his face into the angle of my neck and jaw.

After a taut moment of silence, he groans. His cock throbs. He slams inside me, filling me with heat, holding me so tightly it hurts but I don’t mind the ache.

Slowly...gradually...his grip on me loosens and we come apart. He plants a kiss between my breasts, then collapses on the bed, clearly exhausted.

“You wore me out, beautiful,” he mumbles.

I doze in his arms for a while, then get up to use the facilities and pour myself a glass of filtered water from the fridge. Dressed in Gavin’s tee shirt, I sit down at the table and poke at my cold waffle.

In the silence of the empty kitchen, I feel serene and yet out of sorts.

Gavin and I had sex, and it was everything I hoped it would be and more.

But at the back of my mind is an itch I can’t scratch, an omnipresent reminder of the fact that my happiness comes at the expense of my honesty.

My family would go ballistic if they knew I was seeing Gavin. The most sensible option is to hold off on telling them for as long as possible. But we can’t hide forever. I can justify keeping our relationship a secret until graduation, but what happens after that? Is there a path for us that doesn’t lead to alienation?
