Page 37 of Ward

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“I’m staying in a hotel. But that’s not going to be an option for much longer.”

“What happened to the money I gave you last month?”

“Been living off it. I haven’t had much luck on the job front.” He pauses. “Hey, you live in Connecticut, right? That’s not too far from the city. How about I come stay with you?”

I refuse to so much as entertain the thought of Liam and Grace coexisting under the same roof.

“That’s not an option.”

“Why not?” he asks. “What’s your stock worth these days? Two, three hundred a share? I bet you’ve got a nice, gold-plated mansion with plenty of room to spare.”

I’ve avoided sharing my exact address with Liam out of a sense of privacy. I’ve never liked the thought of him showing up on my doorstep unannounced. I’m especially grateful for my discretion now that Grace is in the picture.

“You’re not coming to live with me, Liam.”

“No, of course not. Why would you want to get up every morning and eat breakfast with the son you abandoned? Better to let him become homeless while you sleep soundly on thousand-dollar sheets.”

I massage my pounding forehead. “What the hell would you even do in Connecticut? All your friends are here, aren’t they? Why can’t you stay with one of them?”

There’s a long pause on Liam’s end.

“Because I don’t have any friends.” This somber reply is the first real evidence I’ve observed that he’s capable of feeling anything other than spite. That said, I’m not surprised by this revelation in the slightest.

My son is a prick.

If he were a little more gracious and a lot more accountable, I would happily set him up in the lifestyle of his choosing. Instead, I throw money at him whenever he guilt-trips me. It’s an untenable precedent to set. But at least if I know where he’s living, I can do my best to avoid running into him.

“I’ll have my assistant look into finding you an apartment.”

“Someplace with a view of the park would be nice,” he says.

My hand tightens around my phone with the urge to reach through the ether and shake him.

“Keep up the job search.”
