Page 51 of Ward

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“Come in, little one,” I tell her.

She sidesteps into the archway, dressed in a simple violet leotard and white tights. My ray of sunshine’s even put on her pointe shoes. Her gaze darts between the three of us, wide with curiosity and a touch of fear.

She’s smart to be afraid.

I feel like a villain, knowing what I’m about to ask of her, but I have to believe it’s for the best. Matthew and Dante will give her what she needs, so we can carry on as Dom and sub, without the sex-starved elephant taking up half the room.

“I have some friends I’d like to introduce you to,” I say. “This is Matthew Bolton—”

“Actually,” Matthew says, “We’ve met before.”

I squint in his direction. This is news to me. “When was that?”

“At the dungeon party. Your little one couldn’t resist stopping by to watch me get my dick sucked. I thought she was a new sub.”

Grace’s cheeks glow with embarrassment as he gestures for her to come closer. She looks to me for permission. I nod.

“It’s all right, sweetheart.” Matthew lifts her knuckles to his lips. “I leave the door open for a reason.”

Dante rises from the sofa to circle her like a shark.

“You remember me, girl?” he asks, his gaze assessing. “You still owe me a shirt.”

From the way he’s eyeing her nipples, I’m betting he’ll settle for her leotard.

“Y-yes, Sir,” she stammers, spinning in her ballet shoes, in an effort to keep Dante in her field of vision. “I remember.”

She regards my friends with trepidation. I haven’t told her why they’re here, but she’s perceptive enough to sense their desire for her. Even I can’t resist letting my gaze rove over her figure.

“I’ve invited Matthew and Dante over to play with you,” I tell her.

Her brows shoot up. “What do you with me?”

“You crave experiences I can’t give you. These Doms are here to satisfy those cravings.”

“What cravings?” Her naïveté is a ruse. She knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Over the past few days, Grace has been up to her old tricks, parading around the house in the shortest skirts and dresses she owns. Just last night, she progressed to forgetting to put on underwear.

Matthew chuckles. “He means sex, sweetheart.”

He pushes up from the couch to approach her, and she backs away, straight into Dante’s chest. She squeaks like a mouse as Dante rests his large hands on her shoulders.

The desire to break up their little party hits my chest like a mallet. Grace is having a harder time with this than I thought she would. I’m used to playing with polyamorous subs or subs in open relationships. Grace has never even had a boyfriend, and here I am, asking her to fuck two strangers at once.

Of course she’s nervous. Of course she’s overwhelmed.

I beckon her over. “Come here, little one.”

Dante releases her with a reluctant sigh. She scurries onto my lap.

“It’s all right.” I pet the back of her head. I won’t deny that part of me wants to whisk her off to my bedroom where no one can touch her. But I invited these men here for a reason.

Grace needs this. We both do. She might be frightened now, but I suspect once they start touching her in all the ways I’ve refused to touch her, she’ll change her tune.

“When you put on this collar, you made a promise to serve me.” I guide her back so I can meet her gaze. “You can use your safe word if you want, but I’m telling you, this is what I need from you, little one.”

“But,” she says. “They aren’t you...”
