Page 65 of Ward

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A cluster of people stride past, blocking my view of his smirk. He’s gone in an instant, as if was never there to begin with.

Maybe he wasn’t. I don’t even know what to think anymore.

Taking a deep breath to slow my pulse, I step through the revolving door into the warm night. The air sticks to my skin as I make my way over the short bridge that crosses the street to the residence hall’s entrance. I use my shiny new student ID to get into the building, then press the button to call the elevator. Once inside, all I can think about is my conversation with Aidan in the elevator this afternoon.

The suite where Jasmine and I are staying tonight isn’t the one we’ll be living in come fall, but they’re all very similar. I’m in the middle of changing into my pajamas when my phone chimes with an incoming text.

Jasmine: I found my purse and phone but my ID is missing. Did I leave it up there?

I do a quick search on Jasmine’s side of the room, checking under pillows and blankets and the pockets of her messenger bag.

I text her back: I don’t see it anywhere.

She replies a few seconds later: Can you come down and let me in?

I throw on a tee shirt, slide my feet into my slippers, and head down to the bridge entrance. A bunch of people are already coming through the door when I get there. I don’t see Jasmine among them. Maybe she came in when I was coming down the elevator?

Where are you?I text her. I’m at the bridge door.

Down on the ground floor,she replies. Parking garage entrance.

What are you doing down THERE?I respond. I guess it’s possible she went off campus, but if that’s the case, I’d have expected her not to be back for a while.

I don’t know,she texts, being dumb? I’ll tell you about it when you get here.

I thumb my reply, Hold on, I’m coming.

I get back into the elevator and take the car to the ground floor. There’s public parking down here, in addition to parking for the college and performing-arts center employees. I approach the glass door that opens into the dimly lit parking garage. There’s someone standing off to the right, typing on their phone.

As I move closer, they sidestep out of sight.

The hairs on my arms stand on-end. I don’t like it down here. It’s big, but it’s dark, and though I know there are two street exits at either end, it’s hard to remember that when you’re surrounded by concrete.

I open the door cautiously. “Jas?”

No response. I yell her name but she doesn’t answer. No one does.

There’s nobody down here.

Keeping the door propped open with my foot, I pull her up as a contact and call her. The distinct jangle of her ringtone blares somewhere to the right of the door. I step into the garage, and the door closes behind me with a solid click.

That’s when I see her phone, blinking with the incoming call, vibrating its way across the ground.


My throat closes as the wrongness of the situation creeps up my spine. I turn to go back, coming up against a body. He spins me around and wraps an arm around my throat.

“Hey, cousin,” Liam whispers into my ear.

I claw at his arm and kick behind me, landing a blow to his shin that makes him grunt. His arm tightens around my neck, compressing my throat.

“Shh,” he coos. “Go to sleep, Grace.”

My pulse slackens. I slap at his arm, but it’s no use.

I’m not fast enough.
