Page 100 of These Monstrous Deeds

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Finally,carefully, Benny says, “I’ve read the books.”

“Of course you have, you fucking book nerd.” Nathan snorts. Then he frowns at his bottle. “I should get Carter the books.”

“Nathan!” Benny growls, walking forward quickly until they’re just inches away from each other.

Eyes wide, Nathan leans towards his friend and dramatically whispers, “Benny!”

“Fucking hell, you’re hammered, aren’t you?”

“Beside the point.” Nathan waves a hand, brushing the silly topic away. “Tell me what happens with Snape.”

Benny squints at him. “Snape?”

“Yeah. Tall, dark, not at all handsome, asshole potions teacher.” Nathan takes another drink. He doesn’t like the way Benny is eyeing the bottle. Benny better not ask to share. Supply is running low. “What happens to him?”

“I’m sorry, are you asking me to spoil Harry Potter right now for you? Like the entire series?”


“Okay, as afucking book nerd– your words, not mine – I can’t in good conscience do that.”

“But I need to know,” Nathan says in desperation, his heart pounding. “I need to know about Snape.”

Benny rubs a hand across his forehead. “Why?”


“Nate… what’s going on, bud?”

Nathan takes a gulp of his whiskey, closing his eyes as he savors the burn. He sucks in a deep breath right after, the air rushing in, stoking the fire. Then he meets Benny’s eyes and asks point-blank, “Am I the villain?”

Benny’s expression softens. “Oh, Nathan…”

“No, no, don’t – don’t look at me like that.” Nathan points the bottle at his friend, contemplating hitting him with it. “Just fucking tell me.”

After scanning the area again, Benny looks him in the eye and says, “You’re a goddamn hero, Travis.”

“No. No, I’m not.” Nathan shakes his head and takes another sip of the whiskey. He stumbles, but just for a second. The mat must be slippery. “Heroes don’t rape the boys they love.”

The words feel like a bomb.

Nathan snaps his chin up, staring wide-eyed at Benny. He suddenly feels very sober. “I-”

“You’re drunk,” Benny says, interrupting him. “You just need to sleep it off, alright?”

“Carter’s gonna want me when he wakes up. He won’t know what happened.”

“I’ll stop by and tell him you had something come up with work. He’ll understand.”

Nathan takes a wobbly step back, shaking his head. “You’ll scare him.”

“I’ll be quick. I won’t go near him.”

“It’s his day off.”

“I know, bud. I know.” Benny tentatively reaches forward. His fingers brush the whiskey bottle, but Nathan can’t get himself to let go. “Don’t ruin his day off, Nate. It’d be better for him to think you’re working than to see you like this. If you go to him now,you’llbe the one to scare him.”

