Page 119 of These Monstrous Deeds

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Big. Fucking. Mistake.

Sir was right. It was exactly that. The biggest.

God, what the fuck had Carter been thinking?

His excitement and relief had made him idiotic. Reckless. He should've held his tongue and waited. Maybe later in the party, he would have had the chance to get close enough to Casey for a hurriedly whispered hello, or a quick reassuring touch in passing. Now, he's suffering the consequences. Casey is too.

Carter deserves this punishment. Not just because he misbehaved, but because he got Casey in trouble. He got Caseyhurt.

Just like the Casey in his dreams.

It’s getting harder to breathe. Carter is gasping for air, his desperation growing every second his chest burns. Most of the crowd is watching Carter now. Their anticipation and amusement are thick in the air. Carter swears it’s fucking choking him. Filling his lungs and leaving no room for oxygen.

Carter tries to convince himself he’s okay. That he’s getting air, even if his mind is trying to make it feel otherwise. He’s getting oxygen, heknowshe is, but his body doesn’t believe him.

They’re going to kill Casey.

They’re going to kill Casey, and all Carter can do iswatch.

“Sir,” Carter gasps, his chest heaving. There are black spots in his vision. “S-sir?”

A hand wraps around Carter’s throat from behind him, sir’s cologne filling his nostrils. “Talking is not a good idea right now, understood?”

“Please.” Carter turns his chin the best he can with sir’s tight grip on him, trying to look up at the man. It’s dumb, he has his new rules telling him not to, but he can’t help it. He’s fucking desperate. “Sir, please. Save him. Let – let them hurt me instead.”

Sir’s eyes find Carter’s, shock in them. Then confusion. Then rage. “What?”

“Casey.” Carter widens his eyes, wanting sir to see how serious he is. “Please, sir. He won’t survive it. Give themme.”

The hand on his throat squeezes until Carter gags. He barely registers sir’s mouth against his ear, the man’s voice sounding faded and distant. “You should probably worry about your own survival right now, you fucking idiot. Don’t you remember what I told you would happen if you did something like this? Why do you always have to fucking ruin everything?”

Carter feels tears roll down his cheek. It’s a strange sensation considering his skin is going numb. There’s a humming in his head. He wonders if anyone else can hear it.

The hand loosens, allowing Carter to suck in a gush of air. The fingers remain in place like a threat. A violent promise.

“My fault,” Carter whispers, closing his eyes. “It’s all my fault.”

The fingers twitch against his skin. He expects them to tighten, but they don’t. He thinks maybe they…stroke him.

His mind is clearly oxygen-depleted.

“No more talking. You’re done talking now. Understood?”

Carter looks over his shoulder at Casey again, his chest quaking. He looks so lifeless. Like a ragdoll. “They’re gonna kill him.”

Sir sighs before muttering an angry, “Christ.” His hand leaves Carter’s skin. Just seconds later, a blindfold is wound around his head.

True, uninhibited terror overwhelms Carter. He thrashes his head, words pouring from his lips before he can stop them. “No, not the dark, not the dark, sir,please, not the dark-” he’s cut off by something hard pressing into his mouth. He feels leathery straps on each of his cheeks, digging into the skin, and he realizes it’s a ball gag.

For the first time since he was brought on stage, Carter releases a sob. There’s no holding back after that. He just sobs and sobs and fuckingsobs, barely noticing as he’s pushed and pulled into position.

His plug is pulled out of his hole, something else nudging against his rim instead. Something too big. Too dry.

The hauntingly familiar sensation of a cock cage returns to Carter’s genitals, cold and tight. He’s not concerned about it. Not really. There’s no chance he’ll be getting hard tonight. Biology or not, nothing can overcome this terror.

But then Carter remembers that Todd Henley was the last person to put a cage on his cock; it had been his idea to do so at all. Todd Henley, who is in attendance tonight. Todd Henley, who might be touching Carter right this second.

Sir had said he wouldn’t share Carter anymore, but that was before this.
