Page 129 of These Monstrous Deeds

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Of course.Like it's no big deal. Like Carter isn't less than human and not worthy of help.

Maybe men like Benny and Nathan take special classes.Contradiction 101orIntro to Mindfucking.

Carter closes his eyes, trying to shut the whole world out. He'll get to killing himself later. He's just… so tired right now. He needs to work up the energy.

He wishes he had his moose. He wonders where it is. He wonders if maybe it'd be worth the pain to find it.

He wonders if maybe he should find it in order tohideit.What if sir takes it away as punishment?It'd be fitting. Carter doesn't deserve something as nice as his moose. He doesn't deserve anything at all.

It should have been him instead of Casey that died.

It should still be him.

The world would be better if he wasn't around to ruin everything. Sir's life would be better. He could use that other slave instead. The jealous one.What was his number again?3.

3 would be so good to sir. He'd make him happy and proud. He'd never get other slaves in trouble by being naughty.

3 would be a good boy.

Carter falls asleep, crying softly into his pillow as he grieves his own worth.

He never even notices when Benny eventually leaves the room.


Enrique Vasco is one of the most powerful men in the Mexican Mafia. No one ranks above him, and only 3 other men rank on the same level as him. He's also one of Miller's biggest allies. At least, he was. They've been on the outs lately. As of January, when Miller killed one of Vasco's men for a perceived slight that Vasco didn't agree warranted a killing.

It's the perfect opening. If Nate can secure Vasco as an ally, Miller loses Mexico. If Miller loses Mexico, Miller is no longer a major player. If Miller is no longer a major player, Nathan can easily take over the rest of his empire.

And once Nathan has Miller's empire in his hands, the case is done. The majority of the Northern and Central American markets will be his. Enough where, when everything is dismantled, and bursts into beautiful flames, what's left won't be able to function. They'll crumble. Implode. They'll be sitting ducks for task forces to pick off one by one.

It's always rested on Miller, but tonight,Millerrests onVasco.

Nathan is on his game tonight. He has to be. If he slips for even a moment, he'll break. So, he plays his part well, drinking the finest scotch and sharing a Cuban cigar with a wink, receiving a lap dance from one of the working slaves, laughing his ass off reminiscing with a few of his branch bosses about all sorts of idiotic adventures, flirting with Jamie Kensington and lying with a grin as he extends an invite to come play with Carter that he never plans on solidifying, making subtle comments about William Dugray and agreeing wholeheartedly when people say Dugray is a disgrace, subtly asking if Dugray’s slave is alive and keeping his face perfectly neutral when he gets the answer.

By the time he's able to organically make his way to Vasco, he's walking on the air that comes from beingtheNathan Roarke. Vasco instinctually recognizes it, straightening his spine for half a second before remembering himself. Then he slumps back into a lazy stance and gives Nathan a sharp smile.

"Have you forgotten who my friends are, Roarke?" Vasco asks as he tries to play it off like he hadn't for just a second recognized Nathan as someone who deserves his respect.

Nathan lets it slide, of course. He has to allow Vasco to believe he has the upper hand after all.

"I've forgotten why I've never considered being one of them," Nathan says smoothly. He waves a service slave down, gesturing for refills on what both he and Vasco are drinking. Vasco's expression twists, but he doesn't argue. He looks mildly curious.Good."Would you care for small talk? I could ask you how business is, pretending I don't have files on your numbers. You can ask me the same, pretending you don't have files of your own. I can bitch about the latest FBI task force that's been the bane of my existence this past quarter. You can bitch about that new identification policy that Border Patrol just passed. We can agree that this shit was much easier before technology advanced, and stay-at-home moms decided to start an uprising to save the children.Or-" Nathan pauses. Waits.

Vasco takes the bait. "Or?"

Nathan doesn't smile, butoh how he wants to. "Or we can cut to the chase."

"Which is?"

"Which is that I'm having a very exclusive, very extravagant birthday party in 2 weeks, and I've placed you on the guest list."

Thatgets Vasco's attention. "Why?"

"Because I think we'd be fantastic friends." Nathan flashes a smile then. It's controlled. Calculated. Cunning, but in an obvious way he knows Vasco will see and respect. "It's merely an invite. Come. Don't come. No harm either way."

"And how do I know I won't be walking into a trap?"

"Because your men are invited as well."
