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Carter’s breath hitches as he shakes his head furiously. “No, sir. No. Please. I’m so lucky to have you, sir. I’m s – sorry I couldn’t g – get hard, sir.”

The panic is sending tremors through the boy, making his body jerk uncontrollably. Nathan can see that Carter is fighting to stop it. Fighting to relax and be good. There’s terror in his expression as he waits to be yelled at.

“Breathe,” Nathan murmurs, running a wet hand through Carter’s hair. “Just breathe, sweetheart. You’re not in trouble. I just need you tounderstand. I want you to be good for me, sweetheart, and then I want to reward you by making you feel good. Okay?”

Carter nods quickly. “Yes, sir. Th – thank you, sir.”

“Breathe, sweetheart. Just breathe.” He pulls Carter to him, putting him in the same position as earlier in the entertainment room, minus the cock pressing into his ass. Nathan squeezes his eyes shut since Carter can’t see him, taking his own turn at trying to get himself under control.

“Just breathe,” Nathan says again. This time, he’s not sure if he’s telling himself or Carter. He’s not sure it matters anymore. “Just breathe.”


Carter is relaxed and sleepy by the time sir has washed and dried him. Sir sets him on the edge of the bed and steps back, running a towel along himself now. Unable to help it, Carter watches the show. He’s entranced by all of the curves and dips of the man’s body. The scattered scars. The tattoos. There’s a broken birdcage over his heart, birds scrambling out of it across his torso down to the opposite hip. Carter wants to touch each one. He wants to whisper to them,go, fly, be free, hurry, hurry, hurry.

The man is gorgeous. In fact, gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe him. But he’s also dark and dangerous. A man who cages little birds. Carter can’t let himself forget that.

When sir catches him looking, he lifts a corner of his mouth and asks Carter, “Like what you see?”

Not willing to risk lying – or insulting the man, for that matter – Carter is honest. “Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Sir tosses the towel off to the side somewhere, seeming not to care about it anymore. He stalks towards Carter with hooded eyes, his cock growing by the second. “I like what I see, too.”

Carter blushes and shrugs. “I’m not much.”

“That’s certainly not true. You cost me 2 million dollars. You’re beautiful.”

“I cost 2 million dollars because of my brother, sir,” Carter says quietly, aware he’s once again wading into dangerous territory. “He’s the only thing that makes me special.”

“Are you calling me a liar, sweetheart?”

This startles Carter. He jumps straight into a frantic backpedal. “No, sir! No. Not at all, sir!”

“You sure? Because I’m saying you’re beautiful and that I enjoy looking at you, and you seem to be arguing with me.”

“I – I didn’t mean to, sir. You’re right. You’re always right. I’m sorry, sir.”

Sir gently pushes Carter until he’s lying on his back, then grabs Carter’s bare hips and shifts him to exactly where sir wants him to be.

“I’m right about what?” sir asks in a low voice that sends chills up Carter’s spine.

“I’m… beautiful, sir.”

Slowly crawling up Carter’s body, dragging his lips along his damp skin as he goes, sir murmurs, “Say that again for me, sweetheart.”

Carter shivers, the heat of sir’s breath tantalizing against the dip of his pelvis. “I’m beautiful, sir.”


“I’m beautiful, sir.”

Sir licks a circle around Carter’s nipple before nibbling at it. Carter’s back bows off the bed as he gasps out in half-surprise, half-pleasure. He’s more prepared when sir does the same thing to his other nipple, but being prepared only makes it feelbetter. Carter can feel his cock hardening, his face going red in shame.

Of course, sir decides to point it out, clearly wanting to make Carter even more miserable. “There we go. That’s my beautiful good boy.”

Squirming, Carter mumbles, “Thank you, sir.”

Sir reaches down, running the back of his hand along Carter’s length. Carter shivers at the sensation of the knuckles bumping against his cock, then moans when sir nudges just beneath the crown, right where Carter has always been most sensitive.
