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Nathan strangles Travis until he passes out, rolling his lifeless body back behind the curtain. Travis is going to get all of them killed if he’s not careful. If he had his way, they’d be dead in a week.

Nathan meets Carter’s eyes, making sure his gaze is cold. “Kneel.”

The boy obeys. He’s trembling with terror, his breathing ragged and panicked, but Nathan ignores it. Ignores him. It hurts more than he thought it would. He turns his back to hide his face in case he’s not masking the emotion well enough.

Keeping his back to the boy, Nathan methodically dresses himself. His mind races with possible punishments. He needs something that will be bad enough to keep Carter from breaking the rules again, but something that’s not so bad the boy will break. The paddle, maybe. Or a cane. Nathan probably won’t be able to fuck him after hurting him, even if he medicates himself, so he’ll have to do it beforehand. Maybe just a blowjob. A rough one. Then a swift punishment to bring the issue to a close.

Nathan opens his top drawer and slides his hand beneath a folded pair of underwear, grabbing the little container that holds his blue pills. He pops one in his mouth and swallows it dry. When he turns, he finds Carter on his knees with his upper body curled inward as if he’s trying to make himself smaller. His hand is pressed over his mouth as he muffles his hysterical sobs.

He’s fucking terrified.

Nathan can’t do this.

Nathanhasto do this.

He clips Carter’s leash onto the ring of his collar and tugs once, the movement sharp but not painful. The boy gasps and rocks up onto his hands and knees, preparing to crawl. He’s already struggling to keep himself in the proper position, his muscles jerking, his arms going weak.

Nathan should yell at him to hurry the fuck up. To get his shit together. Maybe even smack a hand against his ass. It’s what the other men here would do.

Instead, Nathan squats down and carefully maneuvers the boy until he’s in a position where Nathan can fold him over his right shoulder. He feels Carter’s hands immediately grab the back of his suit jacket, his body trembling furiously against him. Each tremor makes Nathan ache like they’re his own.

“Let go of my jacket,” Nathan says quietly. His throat feels tight. He swallows hard. “I won’t drop you. Let go.”

There’s the slightest hesitation, but then the boy obeys.

People know what’s going on when they set eyes on the two of them. Nathan can see it in the way they look at Carter. Some of them, the softer ones, cringe and look away. Any slaves that accidentally get a peek immediately bow their head and let their eyes flutter closed in shared grief. The others – the men like Nathan – love it. They smirk. Laugh. Make comments.

“Oh no,” one of his men coos. Jason. An asshole. He sing-songs his next words like a student teasing another for getting called to the principal’s office. “Someone’s in trouble.”

Nathan just grunts in response as he takes his seat at the table and manhandles Carter down his body and onto the floor. The boy hits his head on the edge of the table, crying out in pain. Nathan immediately grabs him, cradling his face in his hands as he stares into his eyes. The wordsare you okay, sweetheart?stick to the tip of his tongue. He chokes them down and lets go of the boy, digging his fingernails into his palms to keep from reaching for him again.

“Get my cock in your mouth,” he growls, not because he’s mad but because his voice is rough, his throat closing in on itself.

Carter obeys, his shaking hands quickly opening Nathan’s pants and pulling out his soft cock. The pill hasn’t kicked in, but it won’t be much longer. “You’re not keeping me warm today. Get me hard.”

The boy’s eyes flutter closed for just a second before he looks at Nathan’s cock in resignation. His hands spread across Nathan’s thighs in an attempt to get a better angle. Nathan should probably smack his hands away and tell Carter he’s not allowed to touch him, but there’s no way in hell he’ll be able to manage something like that right now. He makes up for his weakness by grabbing Carter’s hair in a slightly too-tight grip, using his other hand to guide his hardening cock between the boy’s lips.

“What would you like to eat this morning, Master Roarke?” a house slave asks.

“Something quick. Easy. I won’t be here long.” Nathan glances at the slave, hoping his rage shows in his expression. He’s pissed, and though he’s not pissed at Carter, no one here needs to know that. They just need to see that he’s really fucking pissed. It’ll make things more believable. Especially since Nathan’s grip has already loosened, his fingers rubbing Carter’s scalp soothingly.

The first sound Carter makes is a choking cough, followed by a gag as he rears back. Nathan is getting too big for the boy to take all of him. Surprisingly – or maybe not surprisingly, since Nathan knows how badly Carter wants to be good – the boy doesn’t give up or try to fight it. He just takes a breath and dives back down, trying his best to take all of Nathan even as Nathan continues to grow.

Nathan has to bite his tongue to keep from praising him.

A bowl of yogurt with fruit and granola is placed in front of Nathan, along with a glass of water and a mug of coffee. He does his best to ignore Carter’s struggles as he quickly scoops the food into his mouth. Nathan forces his mind to wander, replaying the previous night to keep from losing his shit. It only takes a few minutes before he finally feels himself nearing the edge.

Shoving his chair back, Nathan grips the back of Carter’s neck and heaves the boy straight up on his knees as he stands. The pulling of his hair forces Carter’s head at an angle that brings their gazes to meet. Tears are falling down Carter’s cheeks. Nathan pretends they’re tears from the deepthroating. The lie helps him stay hard as he strips his cock with his fist.

“Tongue out,” he growls, his body trembling with a chaotic mixture of rage and need.

Carter obeys immediately. His eyes are wide. Afraid.

“God, he cries pretty, doesn’t he?” one of the men comments.

Another adds, “Pretty face full of tears.”

“Gonna be prettier covered in cum,” a third teases.
