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After peeking through the glass shower door that has yet to fog, and finding sir nowhere in sight, Carter tilts his head back and gulps down some water. It’s a little too warm and not all that refreshing, but his body still sings in relief.

A sharp knock on the open bathroom door causes him to startle, Carter almost slipping. “Hurry up!”

Heart pounding, Carter hurries to turn the faucet off and steps out of the shower. Sir isn’t there with a towel, and one hasn’t been set on the counter either. Carter stands on the mat dripping for a few seconds before deciding to grab a hand towel from the wall between sinks and use it to dry himself the best he can, only gently patting his ass and thighs to avoid as much pain as possible. His body protests, but he also squats down to wipe up the stray drops of water on the floor not protected by the mat.

It isn’t until he’s walking back into the bedroom and sees the dog cage again that Carter remembers. His stomach plummets, his throat tight.

Sir is halfway through undressing, but when Carter steps forward to help, sir lifts his chin and gives him a sharp enough look that sends Carter dropping to his knees. His body curls in on itself until he’s in the closest thing possible to a fetal position while still kneeling for sir. Sir makes an indignant sound before turning his back to Carter and continuing to undress.

Hot tears of rejection sting Carter’s eyes. He dips his chin even lower, not wanting sir to see him crying. He understands that sir doesn’t want him, and he respects that. Whatever makes sir happy. Sir’s happiness is all that matters.

But Carter is just so…lonely. So empty. So useless. He wants to do something for sir. He wants to please sir. He wants sir to hold him in his arms and praise him. He wants sir to forgive him now. He wants sir to make him feel good again. He wants to makesirfeel good again.

Carter wants to prove to sir that he can be a good boy. That this was just a mistake. That it won’t ever happen again.

He’ll happily choke on a cock, or take more spankings, or offer his ass up to be fucked. Whatever sir wants. Whatever will make sir happy. Carter just wants to be a part of it. Heneedsto be a part of it.

Stripped down to nothing but his tight black boxer briefs, sir takes a seat on the cushioned top of the cage and snaps his fingers between his legs. Carter has seen people do the same with dogs, getting them to come forward and sit, so he makes the assumption that’s what sir wants him to do. He crawls until he’s between sir’s knees before settling with his ass resting on his heels, his eyes trained on his bruising knees as he tries to control his fear of what’s to come.

Honestly, Carter isn’t sure what he’s more afraid of; the idea that sir might hurt him again, or the idea that sir won’t even touch him before locking him away.

The second fear is abated when sir reaches out, running a gentle hand through Carter’s hair. It’s one movement, his fingers not even touching Carter’s actual skin, but it’s enough for Carter to shudder through a dry sob of relief.

“Shhh.” Sir moves his hand down to Carter’s chin, encouraging him to lift it so they can look into each other’s eyes. Sir’s brown eyes flick from left to right across Carter’s expression, his eyebrows pulling in. Carter is filled with the sudden feeling that sir is looking for something from him.Expectingsomething. A panic beats inside his chest as he tries to figure out what it is sir wants. He’d give him anything, gladly, all sir has to do is ask.

Sir drops his hands, leaving Carter cold and lonely all over again. He’s in the middle of overanalyzing the situation when something warm brushes his left cheek. Caught off guard, he startles and pulls away from the thing. Sir doesn’t yell at him. He just hushes Carter, fingers moving back to Carter’s hair while he drags his thumb over Carter’s cheek again. He’s wiping Carter’s tears away.

Carter hadn’t even realized he’d begun to cry.

Sir takes his time, touching Carter all over even though his tears surely only managed to get on his cheeks and possibly his jaw. He touches Carter’s forehead. The shell of his ear. The arch of his brow. He touches Carter’s shoulders. His throat. His sternum. He touches Carter like he can’t stop himself, as if he had missed touching Carter as much as Carter had missed being touched by him.

With sir so focused on his fingers gliding over Carter’s body, Carter is free to openly watch the man. He studies him, memorizing the way his forehead wrinkles slightly, the way his lips hover close together without touching, the way his jaw darkens with a 5 o’clock shadow. There’s a very small scar at the corner of his left eyebrow that Carter had never noticed before, and a similarly new discovery of a freckle on the shell of his right ear.

After a very long time, or perhaps no time at all, sir drags his thumb along Carter’s cheekbone a final time and whispers, “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Carter blinks, his eyes meeting sir’s. The compliment is genuine. He can see it in the way sir is looking at him. His stomach flips. “Thank you, sir. So are you.”

“Mmm.” Sir’s lips twitch. Then, “Turn around and press your forehead to the floor, ass in the air.”

Flushing, Carter hurries to obey, hoping sir is about to remove the plug from his ass. Or, at the very least, add some lube so it’s more comfortable inside him.

A whimper accidentally passes through Carter’s lips the first time sir touches his plug. He cowers against the floor, biting down on his lip to keep any other noises from escaping. Sir doesn’t chastise him. Carter’s not sure if it’s because sir doesn’t feel like it right now, or if it’s because his night is already going to be bad enough without sir feeling the need to add to it.

“You’re okay,” sir whispers as he gently adjusts the plug in him. Bile burns Carter’s stomach because it’s not okay. None of this is okay. His hole hurts, and his heart is breaking, and he just wants sir tohold him.

But sir says it’s okay, and sir is law, so it has to be okay.

“Just breathe, sweetheart.”

Breathe. Carter can do that, at least. He breathes nice and slow, keeping himself calm as sir removes his plug. He manages to swallow a pained gasp when his rim catches on the toy. He’s proud of himself for staying so quiet, even if it meant digging his nails into his palms until they drew blood, squeezing his eyes shut until they ached, and biting down on his lip enough to make it bleed once more.

Sir mumbles something under his breath that Carter can’t quite hear before standing up and stepping over Carter to walk away. Carter turns his head just enough to peek up at sir as the man disappears into the bathroom. He returns just seconds later, his hands empty, his lips twitching when his gaze locks with Carter’s.

Before Carter can look away and apologize, sir curls his finger. “Back in your kneeling position.”

Once Carter has situated himself properly, sir tilts his head and asks, “What rule did you break today, sweetheart?”

Self-hate burns through Carter’s veins.
