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“Perhaps I should say, what aremyrules?”

That’s a much safer conversation. Easier. Even if the images suddenly fluttering through Nathan’s mind make him sick. “His ass is mine to fuck, but you can play with it. As for his mouth, it’s all yours. And you’ve already realized his cock and balls are free game.”

There’s accidentally too much bite in that last sentence. Todd freezes, slowly meeting Nathan’s eyes. “I should have asked-”

“Nonsense.” Nathan waves a hand, giving him an easy smile that’s anything but easy. “I would have stopped you if you did something I didn’t like, my friend. Honestly, as long as your cock stays out of his ass, and you don’t do anything permanent, you have almost unlimited range.”


“Just don’t break him,” Nathan finds himself adding, his heart racing. “He’s – he’s mine to break.”

If Todd notices the struggle in Nathan’s voice, he doesn’t show it. He just grins and returns to his new toy.

Nathan gives himself a moment to imagine what it would be like to pin Todd to the floor with a hand to his throat as he uses his other hand to pummel him into a bloody fucking pulp. Then he forces himself to let go of the fantasy, as well as any ill feelings toward the man. Todd Henley is the key to everything. Nathan can’t forget that.

Remembering what he talked to Maison about, Nathan informs Todd, “You’ll be the first to use him. Besides me, of course.”

The look on Todd’s face is unexplainable. It’s an instant confirmation of his loyalty. This plan is going to work. After all this time, Nathan’s finally approaching the finish line. “Thank you for that honor, Nathan.”

Nathan nods once. “This alliance is very important to me. I would like you to be in my small circle. This is how I treat the men in that circle.”

Todd’s eyes turn to Carter again, his grin widening like a fucking sadistic clown when he catches Carter looking at him. Carter’s shoulders hunch as the boy curls into himself.

“I think I’m going to like this circle,” Todd says as he fists Carter’s hair and tugs, seemingly for no reason other than to draw a sound from the boy.

“Master Roarke?” Nathan turns in his seat, raising an eyebrow at the slave in the doorway. The girl quickly looks away, her cheeks going pink. “Dinner is served, Master.”

Without a word, Nathan pushes to his feet. He drains his glass and puts it down on the table beside his chair before turning to his guest. Todd stands as well, just letting Carter tumble to the floor. The boy hits the floor hard enough to make Nathan wince. He releases a pained sound that’s tinted with fear. Nathan can feel Todd watching him, probably unsure if Nathan is upset about the lack of regard to his slave.

Todd could do much worse than letting Carter fall a foot or two. Nathan has to set his boundaries wide tonight.

With the toe of his Berluti leather shoe, Nathan gently taps Carter’s left ass cheek. He makes sure it looks like a proper kick. “Shut the fuck up.”

Todd relaxes instantly, his own shoe hitting Carter’s other cheek. It blooms bright red. Nathan hopes Todd is too much of a dipshit to notice that the cheek Nathan supposedly kicked doesn’t look the same.

“Let’s go slut.” Todd yanks harshly on the leash, making Carter scramble to keep from getting choked.

Including Benny, only 4 other men were invited to this dinner. As the glass doors are slid across the tracks in the openings of the dining area to close them in for privacy, Nathan makes introductions.

“Todd, you’ve met my second, Benny.”

“Yes, of course.” Benny and Todd shake hands, agreeing it’s great to see each other again. Then Nathan continues. “This here is Donavan,” he pauses for their handshake, “This is Chris,” he pauses again, “And this is Mica.”

Todd’s eyes flash at Mica, his handshake slightly more enthusiastic. “I’ve heard of some of your work. It’s excellent to meet you.”

Nathan’s stomach turns. Mica’s job is the most hands-on of all of them, the man not only unafraid to get blood on his hands, buteagerto do so. Literal blood. Not metaphorical. Nathan’s only ever seen him in action once. He had to fake disinterest before hurrying to the nearest bathroom and spilling his guts. That was back when he was new, though. Back when he wasn’t as hardened by this life. Back when he still shared equal space in his mind with Travis. There’s a good chance Nathan would barely be affected by the things Mica does to people now, but he’s in no hurry to find out.

After the formalities have been dealt with, Todd turns to Nathan. “Would you like your pet back?”

“No, you’re our guest. Keep him. He’s an excellent cock warmer.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.” Nathan smiles. “A hole is a hole. I’ll use another.”

Todd ducks his head respectfully and thanks him before taking the seat that Nathan gestures to. It’s to Nathan’s left, directly across from Benny where he sits to Nathan’s right. Todd tugs Carter beneath the table. Nathan has to dig his nails into his palms to keep himself composed. He hadn’t realized how much he’d hate not being able to see his boy anymore. He doesn’t like it.

He doesn’t fucking like it one bit.
