Page 66 of A Dangerous Game

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Chapter Eleven

Sir’sbirthdaypartyisas fancy as the last party he brought Carter to, which is saying something considering it's a backyard party this time around. There’s a large tent-like structure in the middle of the field, bunching in the center and billowing out in an elegant drape. Inside are three long glass tables with white and gold place settings, tall candles clumped together every few feet as centerpieces. Chandeliers come down from the top at varying levels, bathing the whole tent in a warm glow. Carter has no fucking idea how chandeliers are hanging from tent fabric, but it’s not the first time he’s been confused by this lifestyle, so he shrugs it off.

Lanterns line the pool area, as well as the walkways. The pool is full of candles that flicker with the soft breeze. Strings of golden lights hang from trees and decor, making everything look like a damn fairytale. Especially the garden. The garden is absolutely beautiful - even more so than last night now that it’s all decorated and alight. Carter wants to go explore it again, but it’s not his birthday, and even if it was, he’s just a slave, so he kneels beside sir in the grass instead as sir chats with two men.

A waiter comes by with champagne flutes. The man isn’t one of the staff from the house, at least not that Carter recognizes. Carter finds himself wondering if it’s a caterer. Wondering if this person is going to go home tonight, free to do whatever they please.

Wondering if this person knows the slaves here aren’t of their own free will.

Since thoughts like that are better left not thought about at all, Carter focuses on his sir instead.

Sir looks handsome tonight. His tux fits him perfectly, his hair is just the right amount of mussed, and his dark eyes seem to glow beneath all the lights.

Another man approaches the group. Sir and his friends all welcome him with warm smiles. There are no handshakes exchanged, which Carter has now learned means they know each other personally, not just through business.

“Look at this handsome devil,” the man says in an accent that Carter thinks might be Irish. Or Australian, maybe. He’s always been bad at figuring those out. “Happy birthday, Nate.”

“Thank you.” Sir’s grin widens. Carter’s not a huge fan of the way this man is looking at sir, and he’s an even bigger non-fan of the way sir is smiling at him.

They’re practically eye fucking each other.

Like, eye fucking the hell out of each other.

One of the men that was standing there before clears his throat and excuses himself. The other chuckles and follows without saying a word.

Then it’s just sir and the man.

Well… and Carter, but who cares about Carter, right? He’s just a naked slave kneeling in the grass.

“It’s been a long time,” sir says in a deeper voice, stepping closer to the man.

“Too long.”

“How’s life back home?”

The man licks his lips before smirking. “Boring. How’s life here?”

“Been exciting lately.”

“I’ve been told. Is this the new pet I’ve been hearing all about?”

Carter hurries to fix his eyes on the grass, just a second later feeling both men’s gazes on him. He tries to breathe normally as they stay silent for a moment. Then the man hums under his breath. “Pretty.”

“Isn’t he?”

“Maison’s brother, yes?”“Yes. I was expecting you at the auction.”

The man chuckles. “As much as I’d love to fuck Maison Beckett's brother, I have my own pet to take care of. He’s enough of a handful. I didn’t need 2.”

“Have, not had? As in, you still have the same pet you had during the auction?”

There’s a longer than usual pause. Then, “Yes.”

“It’s been-”

“-I’m aware of how long it has been," the man says, his tone now clipped. Carter almost smiles. He hadn't enjoyed the two of them getting so chummy. This is much better. "This one has me… intrigued. I'm not ready to dispose of him yet."

Sir makes a sound that’s somewhere between shock and amusement. “Damn. You bring him with you?”
