Page 77 of A Dangerous Game

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“Is it consensual?” he asks, his eyes narrowed when he sets them on Nathan.

“I have no idea. There was no evidence of force – but you and I both know that means nothing.”

“He’s a fucking child,” Vasco argues. “Even if he’s agreeing to – he can’t possibly – he’s a fuckingchild.”

Nathan has to swallow a laugh at the irony of this conversation. Age and consent were never factors Vasco cared about before. He knows for a fact Vasco likes them young - through puberty, but not quite adults yet. It's not a secret that Miller is the same.

But it's different when it's personal. Vasco sees his slaves as products. Objects. Not human. But his son is as human as it gets.

“I apologize for having to deliver this news," Nathan says, not sorry in the slightest but doing a damn good job of sounding like he is. "I want you to know that I planned on giving you this information no matter what tonight. I wasn't saving it for leverage. I would not have kept it secret from you if you had chosen to become my partner. And, if you for some reason still do not wish to partner with me, I can respect that. I just couldn't sit on the information once Henley provided it. When I've had my fill of Beckett's whore brother, I plan on settling down and building a family of my own. I want a son I can leave my legacy to, just as you will with yours. The thought of anyone crossing me like this - especially knowing I might one day partner with you and be on the same side as you… I couldn'tnottell you, Vasco."

“Enrique,” the man corrects softly, a glint in his eye. "If we're going to destroy a man's empire together, we should probably be on a first name basis."
