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Chapter 16


I arrivedin Coal Haven earlier than planned.I turned off the highway and wound through town until I stopped in front of Kenny’s house.She was going with me to meet with Hattie, not because I was nervous or because I needed a wingman, but because she was as excited as I was.It was nice to have someone to share this with.

I trotted to the door and knocked.

She opened it, her smile radiant and her hair thrown up in the loose bun that had its own personality.What would it be like to come home to this every day?Longing plugged my chest, threatening the strength of the return smile I was flashing her.

I was getting ahead of myself.We were a new couple with a lot of baggage.Only one other person knew about us.I hadn’t told Grandma Gin, but I wanted Kenny to get comfortable with others knowing.I wasn’t in a rush.That she had told Laney meant a lot.

She stood back to let me in.I stepped in, and when she shut the door behind me, I pulled her to me.Her eyes heated, and fuck, I wanted her to look at me like that forever.

That longing came back.I dropped my head and captured her mouth.She twined her arms around my neck.We made out until it was uncomfortable for me to bend.A perfect impression of my zipper was now in my dick.I straightened but kept her in my arms.

“I missed you,” she murmured.

“What a coincidence.I missed you.”I went to war with my zipper again as I bent and rubbed my palms over the globes of her ass.That didn’t help the pressure in my jeans.“Phone sex is nothing like holding you for real.And I don’t have to worry that a roommate will hear me ask you to cup a boob when you rub your clit.”

Desire flared in her eyes, but she giggled.“I love how you make me laugh.”

And I love you.I swallowed the words back.It was the first time I’d allowed myself to think about our relationship like that, but it had to be too soon for her.“I’m good for that.”

She tipped her head back.“You’re good for a lot of things, Liam, in a lot of ways.”

Those expressive brown eyes stripped away all the identities other people layered over me.I wasn’t illegitimate with her.I wasn’t just a single dad.I wasn’t some wild teenage kid that had been written off as an adult before I’d been old enough to drink.I was just Liam.A guy who fell hard for this special girl.

The emotion was overwhelming, and if I didn’t do something, I’d say something stupid.“We don’t have to meet Hattie for a half an hour.”

The drive would take three minutes.I could do a lot in twenty-seven minutes.

She kissed the side of my neck.A shiver traced down my spine, and she kept at it.Licking my skin, she rimmed her hands along my waistband and untucked my shirt.

We stood in the middle of the kitchen floor; I was helpless to move.Her lips and her hands rooted me in place.

Then she kneeled.

I swallowed roughly, my mind reeling, stunned at what she was doing.

I knew what she was doing.But I couldn’t believe it.“Kenny?”

“Can I do this?For you?”Stark vulnerability darkened her brown eyes.

I nodded, numb, except for the thick desire making my skin tight.I was a guy.I liked blow jobs.I never expected them.Never sought them out.If they happened, they happened.It was the last thing I’d expected today or anywhere in the near future.

I couldn’t hold her while she was kneeling, but I had to touch her.I unhooked the band from the tangle of hair on top of her head and stuffed my hands through the silky strands.She gazed up at me as she unzipped my pants and pulled me out, her hand cool on my searing hot erection.

Just her touch was enough to threaten my balance.She gave me a firm pump.

I braced my legs and dug for my wallet.“Do you want me to put a condom on?”

Those puffy lips turned down.“I haven’t…” Right.She’d never given head over latex.I was about to assure her that she could abort mission.I had no issues getting her off instead, but her hold on me tightened and obliterated coherent thought.“You’re clean, right?”

“I got tested after I realized what a liar Payton was.I’ve always used protection since.”Even if the girl hadn’t minded, I had insisted; it didn’t matter what we were doing.

“Then you don’t mind?”

My breath whooshed out.“Fuck, no.Kenny, you could just stare at it for a few minutes and I’d probably explode.”
