Page 30 of Perfectly Matched

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“It’s just that…” Hannah trailed off as she raised her head.

“It’s just what?”Say it.Payson needed to know that what she had been feeling these past two days was mutual. She needed Hannah to tell her that she too could feel the spark between them. That her gut instinct was right. Even if she couldn’t explain it, she just needed validation that she wasn’t the only one feeling a little scared and unsure about the attraction.Say it, Hannah.She searched the faraway look in Hannah’s eyes for a sign that said she wasn’t imagining everything. That the pull she felt between them was real. But a blink later, Hannah once again averted her eyes and widened their distance.

“Nothing,” Hannah mumbled. “I, um, I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow.”

“You guys coming?” The studio director peeked his head back in. “Jason’s waiting.”

Payson nodded. “Sure,” she said in a dry tone. “We’ll be right out. Come on.” She cocked her head to Hannah. “Let’s go hear what Jason thought about the show.”

“I meant what I said, Payson. I really do hope the evening brings you everything you desire.”

“Will you stop it?” Payson waved her off, a little annoyed. “I get it, you think Madison and I are made for each other and all that matchmaker stuff.” She didn’t mean to snap, but she was getting tired of the contradiction between what Hannah was signaling and what she was saying. “Now, come on. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

As they entered the studio, a dozen puppies were running around playing with crew members. She scooped one up and showered it with kisses as Brandon, the director of the humane society, approached. “Thanks again for giving us airtime. It always helps with the adoptions,” he said.

“Well, I’d make it a daily part of the show if I could. Anything to help these guys find a forever home.” Her eyes drifted to one puppy shaking and cowering in the corner. “Is that one okay?” she asked with a tilt of her head.

“That’s little Tucker. We just got him in a couple of days ago. He came from a pretty nasty case of abuse, and I was hoping we could showcase him tonight, but I think the little guy needs more time to build up his trust.”

“Hmm.” Hannah stepped around Payson and approached the puppy. He cowered when she sat and extended her hand.

Madison sauntered over. “Ready to…oh my God, that dog is slobbering all over your dress.”

Payson looked down at a little wet spot spreading across her chest and chuckled. “That’s okay.” She lifted the chubby furball and buried her face in his. “It’s all good, huh, big boy?”

“Think it’s time to get another one?” Brandon asked.

Payson shook her head. “My heart says yes, but my reality says no. But as soon as that changes, I’ll let you know,” she said as she handed him the puppy.

Madison huffed. “We really need to get going. And please do something about that wet spot on your dress. It looks like you’re lactating.”

Payson glanced at her chest and smiled. She didn’t care about the wetness; it was worth it to snuggle with a little one and once again be the recipient of such unconditional love. “Don’t worry, it’ll be dry by the time I get to the restaurant.” She brushed at the spot.

“I hope so. I really don’t want to be embarrassed. This is a five-star restaurant, you know. Now, come on, we really need to get going. I pulled some strings to get this reservation, and I don’t want to be late,” she said as she hooked her arm around Payson and led her away.

Payson stopped walking and turned. “Let me just say good-bye to Hannah.”

“Don’t worry about the temp. We need to get going…now.”

“Her name’s Hannah.” And as though Hannah heard, she turned and glanced at Payson. There was something in her eyes, as though she was either pleading or in some way saying her good-byes. Payson took a step in her direction as the pull between them resurfaced.

A hand landed with a thud on her shoulder. “Whatever,” Madison snapped. “Look, our reservation is in an hour. By the time we valet and walk the casino, we should have left ten minutes ago.”

Payson refocused on her. “Um.” She shook her head and cleared her thoughts. “Yeah, okay, let’s go.” But as they were leaving, she glanced over her shoulder one last time and saw Hannah mouth the word, “Bye.”

Payson and Madison gathered their belongings from their cubicles and split up as they approached their cars. “Last one there buys the first glass of wine,” Madison called as she hopped in her car and sped out of the lot.

“Why am I always buying the drinks?” Payson said to no one as she opened her car door. Her gut churned, and the hair on the back of her neck stook on end as an internal voice told her to turn. She twisted her upper body and stared at the station’s back door as it swung open.

“Hannah?” she called as goose bumps tingled her skin, and the strange pull once again surfaced, but it was just Brandon getting something from his van. She shook her head and chuckled as she melted into her car, a bit perplexed. What the hell was going on with her?

“Stop thinking about Hannah,” she mumbled as she threw her car in drive. It was a beautiful night, she was having dinnerat an amazing restaurant, and if she and Madison clicked, then it was clear how the evening would end. But as she pulled up to the casino’s valet, something was still nagging at her that she couldn’t quite identify or bring into focus. As though she were trying to make out a distant figure in a thick fog.

“Hey,” Madison said as she stood waiting outside the restaurant. She flipped her hair off her shoulder and displayed her signature grin.

Madison was society’s definition of gorgeous. She checked all the boxes: flawless skin, thin, long hair, bright eyes, and a big flirtatious smile.Which is exactly why Jason hired her.As long as she could read a teleprompter and look damn good doing it, that was all he cared about. Even in the world of delivering facts and figures to the general public, a woman still had to do it while looking “fuckable.” And Madison definitely delivered on all counts.

And there was a part of Payson’s ego that got a boost from being here with her tonight. But as she approached Madison, her mind drifted again to Hannah, and she snorted. Hannah would never be hired as a news anchor because, according to the standards of the business, she didn’t possess the definition of the “it” factor. Yet, between the two, Payson definitely thought Hannah was more “fuckable.” She smiled at that thought as she lowered her head and approached Madison.
