Page 33 of Perfectly Matched

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Hannah placed a hand over Payson’s. She felt the softness of her skin as she turned her hand and kissed her palm, and she knew in that moment that she would be forever lost if their lips touched. She let out a frustrated breath as she becameconsumed by desire. Her head spun, and she shivered as the chill of anticipation tickled up her body. She wanted to explore every inch of Payson. To lick, suck, and penetrate all of her. She leaned back and studied the eyes that mesmerized her and searched for a truth that lay beyond the reading of the night sky. She searched for Payson’s truth. “Payson, I need to know something from you.”

“Anything,” Payson said as she closed the distance between them.

“I need to know you’re absolutely sure that in your heart of hearts, this is really what you want. ThatI’mwhat you want,” she whispered in Payson’s ear as she brushed her cheek ever so softly against hers.

“From the moment I saw you, a feeling came over me that I haven’t been able to shake. It’s like…a gut feeling that keeps telling me we’re meant to be together.” She waved a hand in front of her face. “I know that sounds crazy and all, but I just can’t get you out of my mind.”

“As though,” Hannah said as she took a step closer. “It was our names that were written in the stars.” She took the moment to study her face.

Payson smiled back as she raised one hand and wrapped it behind Hannah’s neck and began bringing her closer. Every inch of Hannah’s body felt like it was going to explode. The desire to be touched was overwhelming her better judgment. “Are you sure you want me and no one else?” she whispered as Payson closed the gap between them.

“I’m surer of this than anything I’ve ever been sure of. Now, kiss me,” Payson said as she let her lips linger on Hannah’s.

For a moment, Hannah wondered if that was enough to summon Piper and teleport her back. But when Piper didn’t appear, she kissed Payson deeply.

Payson let loose a breathy moan, that universal sound that said the other person not only enjoyed what they were receiving, but that they wanted so much more. Hannah slowly walked Payson backward to the bed and lowered her down. Hannah crawled on top and straddled her. Usually, when she started the act of lovemaking, she didn’t come up for air until the end. But for the first time ever, she was filled with both desire and contentment. She wanted to make love to Payson as much as she wanted to hold her and talk endlessly about everything and nothing. “Payson, I…” She trailed off as she took a moment to stare at Payson and appreciate the beautiful butterfly that in the end, chose to come to her.

Payson placed a finger on Hannah’s lips. “All I want to hear from you right now is the sound you make when you come.”

Hannah’s body flushed with heat, and she unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it on the floor. Her breath caught as Payson traced over her stomach muscles and up to her breasts. Payson squeezed her nipples, causing her to close her eyes and arch her back. Wetness released between her legs, and her pants seemed that much more restrictive. She rolled to Payson’s side, shrugged out of them, then wrapped her fingers around the hem of Payson’s dress and began pulling it over her body. With every inch of skin that the fabric revealed, Hannah’s butterflies took another lap around her stomach. She positioned herself back over Payson and lowered her hips until she felt Payson’s hair tickle her own. It sent a chill up her, and she paused a moment to enjoy the sensation before she pressed down and began a gentle grinding.

“Kiss me. Now,” Payson whispered in one long moan.

Hannah gladly obeyed, and this time, as she kissed Payson deeply, her mind cleared of the consequences. She no longer concerned herself with whether or not she was cheating theuniverse or what Danika had or had not seen in the night sky. Payson wanted her, and she wanted Payson, and if there was an ounce of truth to the myths of love at first sight, then she was living it.

Payson broke the kiss and moved her lips to Hannah’s ear. “Take me,” was all she said, and Hannah felt each word cause a small spasm in her clit. She kneeled between Payson’s legs as she caressed her breasts. They’re so perfect, she thought as she bent, licked and sucked each erect nipple, then trailed her right-hand down Payson’s abdomen. She used Payson’s own wetness to tease her and slid the tips of her fingers in, out, and around her until she could sense Payson was ready for what she wanted to give.

Hannah bunched her first three fingers together and slid them inside. “Is this okay?” she asked as she maintained a slow pace until she was sure Payson was comfortable.

Payson responded by pressing her body more deeply onto Hannah’s fingers and moving her hips at an accelerated rate. Hannah matched the pace, letting her fingers explore inside Payson’s body. With her other hand, she caressed and pinched one of Payson’s nipples.

“Yes, baby,” Hannah whispered as a layer of sweat formed on her skin. She was completely turned on, and every time she thrust deeper, she almost came herself. But this wasn’t about her, at least not yet. This was about pleasing Payson, so she blocked her own desires as she concentrated and listened to the way Payson’s body was talking to her. How her hands gripped the sheets, the pace of her breath, and the extra wetness released around Hannah’s fingers. And when Payson’s thighs tightened and held, she knew what would soon follow.

Hannah increased her pace, and when she finally felt the throbbing around her fingers and Payson’s body went from tense to relaxed, she slowed and gently slid her fingers out.Payson’s breath caught. Hannah placed the palm of her hand on the outside of Payson’s clit and maintained pressure until a smile spread across Payson’s face, and her eyes slowly peeled open.

Hannah returned the smile and once again straddled her. Payson cupped her face. Hannah began kissing the palm of Payson’s hand, and when she reached her fingers, she licked them into her mouth and slowly began sucking. Payson raised a knowing brow as she slid her fingers from Hannah’s mouth down her body. When she felt Payson’s fingers slowly enter her, she moaned and shivered. She was so overstimulated that her body was on the verge of coming sooner than she wanted. But tonight marked the first night of their lovemaking, and like mostfirsts, Hannah wanted to savor every moment.

Payson sat up, wrapped her other arm around Hannah’s lower back, and thrust her fingers deeper inside. When Hannah felt the sensation of Payson’s thumb up and down her wetness and the soft whisper of her voice tickled her ear with the words, “Come for me, baby,” Hannah gave in to the pleasure. The explosion that followed shook her to her core. With the fingers still in her, she hugged Payson tight until her heartbeat and breathing slowed to normal. Tonight had opened a Pandora’s box of emotions that would be impossible to gather and put back. She wondered if this was what the recipients of her arrows felt when they got together; it was definitely an emotion she had never felt before.

She leaned back as Payson pulled her fingers out, and they fell back on the bed, side by side. She wrapped Payson in a gentle embrace. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.”

Payson lifted up on her elbow and stared. “I can’t even remember the last time someone called me beautiful.”

“Come here,” she said as she brought her into a tight hug. “I promise to tell you every day how beautiful you are.” She massaged Payson’s hair as Payson rested her head on her chest. Hannah stared into space, wondering what she had done as she sensed Payson’s breathing change into the soft slow rhythm of sleep. She had cheated the universe tonight, and she had no idea what that meant, what consequences would befall her, or what the future would hold. The only thing she knew for certain was that she could never bring Payson to the island because of the law. She closed her eyes as tears trickled down her cheeks. She softly kissed Payson’s forehead, then nuzzled her cheek. Hannah’s heart felt equal parts full of love and empty with sadness. To pursue a life with Payson meant she might have to say good-bye to everything she had ever known. And that daunting reality robbed her of any hope she had for a restful night’s sleep.

* * *

The thumping of a tiny tail against the side of the bed made Hannah smile. She carefully slid out from under Payson, and as her feet touched the carpet, a slobbery tongue began licking them. She scooped Tucker up, brought him in for morning kisses, carried him over to a pee pad, and dumped another handful of morsels in his bowl. She scrubbed his head, told him she loved him, then walked to the window. The city in daylight was not the same as at night. With the artificial colors of neon replaced by natural light, a very different and lackluster image of the strip emerged. Nowhere near as glamorous or glitzy and a far cry from her beloved island.

“Morning,” Hannah said in a soft voice as warm hands wrapped around her waist.

“It looks like it’s going to be a nice day,” Payson said as she rested her chin on Hannah’s shoulder.

Hannah pulled her into a deep kiss.

“Mmm, I could get use to waking up to this,” Payson mumbled.

Hannah answered by kissing her again, then walking her backward to the bed and lowering her. “You could get used to this, huh?” She kissed the words down Payson’s neck.
