Page 35 of Perfectly Matched

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Chapter Ten

Payson entered the bakery with a bit of a bounce in her step. As the bells on the door jingled, Sam looked up. “Payson!” He held up his finger, signaling for her to wait. He grabbed a waxed paper with muffin pieces cut in squares on it. He placed the paper on the counter and with a big grin said, “My daughter’s newest flavor, what do you think?”

Payson took a fingerful of crumbled pastry and placed it in her mouth as he leaned in with wide expectant eyes and a huge,I already know what you’re going to say, grin. He raised a brow. “So?”

Payson swallowed the mouthful of goodness and nodded. “That tastes amazing. Sam, it’s so delicious.”

“My daughter has the gift, yes?” His smile reflected the pride that Payson was sure he was feeling.

“Yes. She definitely has the gift.” She scooped up another fingerful of crumbs and shoved them in her mouth.

“She keeps telling me that we need to think about expanding the reach of the bakery. She’s been trying to get appointments at the casinos. To either use us as a supplier for their pastries or talk to them about renting some space for our own sales. But you know how it is.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Without contacts, it’s hard to get in to see anyone.”

“I do know how that is. Let me see if I can make some calls and at least try to set her up to see someone. I think she may be on to something.”

“She reminds me of her mother. In fact, did I ever tell you about the time…” And with those words wrapping around her, she was escorted on another scenic stroll down memory lane. She nodded, smiled and pointed to select baked goods, barely listening to what he was saying because as he replayed the memories of his wife, she replayed the highlights of last night’s lovemaking. She thought about the way Hannah’s body felt while pressed against hers and the way her tongue skillfully moved deep in her mouth.


She blinked back in her surroundings and noticed Sam staring at her. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I asked if this was all for today?” He motioned to the bag.

“Yes, that will be all. Thank you so much, and please tell Amanda I think she’s a baking goddess.”

“A baking goddess.” He chuckled. “She’ll like that one.”

She handed over her money and as per usual, placed the change in the tip jar. She grabbed the bag, thanked him again, and headed for the door. “Sheisa baking goddess, and you’ll see. Her vision will pay off one of these days. I have a good feeling about it.” She pushed through the door. “See you tomorrow, Sam, and have a wonderful day.”

“You too, Payson,” he called back.

As she scurried across the parking lot, a strange feeling tickled the back of her neck, as though someone was watching her. She stopped and glanced around. Nothing. Then she shielded her eyes and squinted toward the rooftop. In her mind, she could see the image of Hannah sitting with a bow and arrow in hand, staring at her. She smiled at the thought. “As crazy as it seems, my gut says that really was you,” she muttered to noone, then turned and headed into the building. But why in the world would someone sent from corporate be on a rooftop with a weapon, dressed in a costume?

Tegan hopped on Payson’s desk. “Wow, don’t you look all happy and glowing? I’m assuming the date with Madison went well?”

“The date with Madison did go well, but that’s not why I’m smiling.” She handed over the bag. “Take what you want, I bought extra.”

“Don’t tell me Jason finally approved your vacation time?” Tegan said as she shuffled through the contents of the bag, pulled out a muffin, and took a bite.

“Nope.” Hannah grabbed a scone and sat in her chair.

“Okay, first of all, these are the best muffins I’ve ever had. Amanda’s rocking it in the bakery.”

“I know. Sam told me she has a vision to expand their business.”

“They should.” Tegan took another bite. “These are awesome,” she mumbled as she nodded. “Okay, back to you. What’s with the pregnant glow and goofy grin?”

“Well.” Payson rolled her chair a little closer. “After I saw Madison last night, I ended up going to see Hannah in her hotel room, and we kinda…”

“Shut the fuck up. You guys got together?”

“Shh.” Payson giggled. “Not so loud, and yes, we got together.” Payson felt the warmth of heat flash across her face.

“Well about time you got laid. How was it?”

“It was wonderful, amazing, and incredible.” Hannah had a softness that completely contradicted her masculine side. And yet, when Payson had signaled that she wanted it a little rougher, Hannah knew exactly how far to take it.

“Huh, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you, my friend, are smitten. Damn, girl, I’m so happy for you.”
