Page 38 of Perfectly Matched

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“Well, pull her off that, and send Patty instead. I want Tegan on the potential jumper.”

Payson waved her acknowledgment as she woke her computer. The brochure of the island caught her attention as she was logging in. She paused for a moment and stared at the pamphlet. What she wouldn’t give to be there right now. Away from the craziness of her job and the sting of pain gripping her heart. “Someday soon,” she whispered to herself as she called Tegan.

“You okay?” Tegan said as she picked up on the first ring.

“Yeah. But change of plans. I need you at the dam ASAP. Looks like someone is threating to jump. Let me know once you get set up, we’ll do a cut-in. Oh, and Jason said to work your juju and sniff out an exclusive angle.”

“Who’s covering the mayor?” Tegan sighed.

“I’m putting Patty on that. You’re better with active situations. This will be the lead, so you’ll go live at the top of the show. Text me when you get there.”

“Roger that.”

As the clock ticked closer to showtime, Payson felt like she was walking down the middle of a foggy road, dodging headlights speeding at her. Several times, she found herself back in the bathroom, leaning against the stall door, eyes closed as she tried to breathe in a moment of sanity. All she wanted to do was sit by herself, have a good cry, and be left alone. She had given away a part of her heart last night, and not only had it felt good, it had felt right. As though that little beating muscle intuitively knew it was united with a long-lost soul mate.

“Well,” she whispered to herself. “Seems like my soul mate has already checked out and skipped town. So much for our rendezvous tonight,” she said in disgust. But as another round of tears trickled down her cheek, she couldn’t help but glance at the empty cubicle behind her. A phantom, a ghost, a temp, a character in costume sitting on a rooftop…a lover. Whatever Hannah truly was, she was definitely one thing. She was someone who’d awakened a part of her and had reminded her of what life—and love—was really about.

“I need to go on that vacation,” she mumbled. Maybe even hook up with someone and have a romantic fling. Something to keep the flame now lit inside her glowing. Because one thing was for sure, there wasn’t anything in her present life that could.
