Page 77 of Strength

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I twisted up my mouth.

Emmett leaned in close to me. “Please trust me.”

I drew in a shaky breath. I rested the palms of my hand on his arm. “I do.”

Courtney curled her lip up at me. “Interesting choice of words.”

“Excuse me, Courtney. I’d like to sit across from my son and his girlfriend, if you don’t mind?” June asked, shuffling into the seat Courtney was standing behind. “I’m sure you’d enjoy the evening more if you’re closer to Sammy.”

Courtney moved closer to Emmett’s sister.

Emmett immediately relaxed. “Thanks, Mom.”

“After everything she put you through, you don’t deserve her meddling in your happiness, sweetheart. Now, what are you ordering?” June picked up the menu and like that, the subject was changed.

“I’m thinking of the trout,” Emmett replied.

“Great choice. I’m having the Moroccan beef.”

I was still feeling shaken, but when they looked at me, I perused the menu for a moment. “The duck sounds nice, and I think Charlie would like the pasta.”

“Brilliant choices,” June said.

The waitress came around the table and took everyone’s orders. When our meals arrived, I ate in silence. My mind was racing. I needed to know more.

Mid-meal, Brian got to his feet and tapped his glass to gain everyone’s attention. “I’d like to briefly interrupt our meal to wish my beautiful, only daughter the happiest of birthdays. Samantha Jo, I can’t believe you’re thirty, sweetheart. It seems like we were only bringing you home from the hospital a short time ago and placing you in your bassinet for the first time, feeding you for the first time, helping you take your first steps, and ride your first bicycle.

“We loved you to pieces right away, even your big brother. Emmett was two years old when you were born, and from the start, he’s looked out for you every step of the way.” Brian’s tone turned solemn. “I know this year has been a little tough on you, but you’re a fighter, sweetheart, and you proved yourself to be once again. You’re the light of our family, Sammy, and I wish you a happy birthday indeed.” Brian lifted his glass and the rest of us followed suit.

“Happy birthday,” we all intoned.

“I regret not being here for you during the divorce, Sammy,” Emmett said.

“It’s okay. Those little boys need you more.”

“Like me?” Charlie asked, pointing to himself.

Emmett chuckled. “Yes, Charlie, you nailed it.”

I smiled at their small exchange.

“Courtney, I hope that after dinner you’ll join us for cake and drinks back at the house,” Brian suggested.

“I’d love to! It’s my bestie’s birthday. There’s no way I’m missing out!” Courtney gushed.

I thought I heard Emmett grumble under his breath.
