Page 31 of Becoming Family

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“That’s Gracie, asking for dinner. I better go feed the weirdos.”

“Night, Clementine.”


Once she and Trinity were loaded up in the car, Tabitha leaned into her seat and sighed deeply. She was exhausted, but relaxed. She could feel the day deep in her bones and in all of her senses. She could feel every person she’d touched, smell the scents of the woods and open sky in the back of her throat, hear the sounds of the crowd and taste the acridity of witnessing that woman pass out on her table. Surrounding all that, like a membrane, was the itchy, all-over vibe that something was wrong with Auntie El.

But Tabitha also felt the warmth of a good friend and the memory of Hobbs’s kiss, now that she’d actually discussed it with someone. It had been a really good kiss. Though she probably wasn’t being fair to her memory of Thaddeus. Their relationship had been a long time ago and Thaddeus had been a kid then. Tabitha remembered Clementine’s words—it’s just coffee—and also the sadness in her voice when she talked about her lonely eight years without her husband.

Tabitha opened up her phone and faced the text message she’d never replied to. She took a deep breath and tapped out a reply.

Sure. Coffee sounds great. How about Friday?
