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“Have you spoken to Matthew since yestereve?” Ruby asked, her voice low. Francis posted guards outside her room, and she took every precaution to ensure they were unable to overhear her conversation with her maid.

“Aye, your highness. I passed him this morning outside in the bailey.” Mina worried her lower lip between her teeth. “He nodded in greeting.”

Ruby’s shoulders slumped. How many nights had it been since she conveyed her cryptic message? Three? Four? She lost track of them in her limited capacity as a prisoner within these walls. If her mother received her message, then she could not expect her to arrive at the gates demanding entrance.

She sent Matthew with a warning telling her mother to stay away. Hide. Run if she can. Ruby would have risked a longer message, but with Francis as vigilant in her protection as he was in the destruction of any of his brother’s remaining credibility, she could take no chances.

The day after their return, Francis issued a proclamation with a warrant for Crispin’s arrest as well as Henry’s. Wanted for treason and murder. Regicide. Patricide. The claim itself left Vivienne stunned with disbelief.

Francis played the sainted hero, relaying the confession his brother made under duress on his knees. Ruby heard it with her own ears, but to hear Francis tell the tale, one would think Crispin relished the knowledge he was responsible for his father’s death. She knew better. He may be brash and selfish and quick to vengeance, but he would never risk his claim to the throne.

“Will you be wearing your crown?” Mina’s question pulled Ruby from her thoughts.

“If you think it suits the occasion.” Ruby shrugged. “My apologies, my mind is quite burdened this evening.”

Mina rested her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “You need not apologize, my lady.” She lifted the gold crown inlaid with rubies and pearls. “This will serve as a reminder for our guests. You are the queen and the daughter of a king.”

Ruby trailed her fingers over the jeweled headpiece and pride infused her. “Very well.” If she could not use her words, then she would use her presence to convey a message to the world. Though she may be broken and bruised, she showed resilience and commanded respect due her station.

As Mina pinned it into place, a knock shattered the stillness. Ruby jumped and pressed her hand against her heart to stop it racing. When had she become as nervous as a newborn colt?

Vivienne appeared in the open doorway. “The guests have arrived. We await your presence.” Her warm smile nearly destroyed what remained of Ruby’s resolve.

Her jaw trembled and tears pricked her eyes. She dropped her gaze before Vivienne could see the overwhelming emotion bubbling up.

“You may go, Mina. Close the door behind you.” Vivienne dismissed the young girl.

Ruby’s gaze remained fixed on her slippers peeking out from beneath the hem of her skirts. Her heart hung like a lodestone in her chest. The unbearable silence ripped her at the seams. A series of cracks appeared in the well-fortified dam keeping her sobs at bay. She vowed she would not break. She would not cry in front of Vivienne, no matter how much her heart ached and she longed for comfort. If she allowed it, the truth would pour forth unchecked.

Ruby could not risk the safety of her mother, her friend, and her love. She swallowed the anguish and swiped the tears away before Vivienne could see them.

“Are you well?” Crispin’s mother tipped her chin up with her fingertips until their gazes met. “My dear, you have been through so much. If you need to speak, then do so. I promise to be impartial and offer only comfort.”

“My thanks for your concern.” Ruby’s voice cracked, and she cursed the show of weakness. There would be a time for grief and healing. But this was the time for decisive action, and unfortunately, she could not drive a wedge between a mother and her sons. At least not until she gained proof of Francis’s lies.

“You can trust me, Ruby.” Vivienne searched her gaze intently as though trying to convey an unspoken message in the depths of her eyes. Eyes so familiar it caused her physical pain. Crispin’s eyes.

“I know.” With a nod, Ruby forced a smile.

“If you wish to abstain from making an appearance, I understand completely. I will convey your apologies to Francis and tell him you are indisposed.” Vivienne’s hands rested on Ruby’s shoulders and rubbed gently. “No one would fault you for taking time to rest.”

“I am quite capable of attending. The people must see I am hale and hearty in spite of my harrowing experience.” She willed the confidence of her words to infuse her spirit, but it whimpered at the thought of being exposed once more.

Vivienne regarded her silently for a long moment. Ruby shifted uncomfortably and fidgeted with the hem of her sleeve. If she persisted, Ruby feared her façade would crack and disintegrate into a thousand pieces.

Finally, a heavy sigh broke the tension. “I cannot force you to do something. Nor would I attempt to do so.” Vivienne took Ruby by the arm. “Let us proceed then. The guests await.”

And Francis.Ruby bit her tongue to keep from speaking his name aloud.

The guards stepped aside when they ventured into the corridor and fell into step behind them. Ruby glanced over her shoulder, taking note of the men assigned to protect her. She did not know their names, but their faces were familiar to her. They trained with Henry. They had once been loyal to Crispin. Now they followed the desperate orders of a madman.

Ruby braced for the crowd awaiting her. Francis would parade her before them like a prize much as Crispin had once done. But Crispin had been quite open in his desires. Francis put on a farce with his lies and deception. Her stomach churned at the thought of him ruling the kingdom in his brother’s place.

When Vivienne led her into the great hall, the room fell silent. A pleasant, friendly smile remained on her lips as her gaze drifted over the guests seated around the room. Courtiers and lords with their placating smiles watched in ignorance as the farce unfurled before them. Upon spying Francis seated in Crispin’s seat at the head table, her smile faltered.

Instinct told her to run as far and as fast as she could. But her feet were rooted to the path set before her.

“You look lovely, my dear.” Francis took her hand in his and pressed a kiss upon her fingertips.
