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“There is one who still remains accountable for their part in Simon’s sinister plot.” Crispin’s gaze rested on Ivy.

Henry squeezed her hand, but Ivy remained impassive. She tilted her chin up and met Crispin’s accusative stare directly.

“Tell me the truth, Ivy, and I will spare your life.” Crispin’s words echoed like a death knell in Henry’s head. “Are you loyal to the Guild or your masters?”

“I was, but no longer.” Ivy’s response echoed with conviction.

“When you led me into the forest to place a message in the old oak tree, to whom were you loyal?” Crispin’s question lingered without a reply.

A multitude of emotions flickered across Ivy’s beautiful face. Finally, she spoke. “The queen.”

“Then ’tis safe to assume after this moment your actions were only in the service of the queen and no other.”

Ivy nodded firmly.

“You provided us with the location of his fortress by leading us into capture and facilitated our escape when there would have been no opportunity.”

As Crispin unraveled Ivy’s role, Henry saw the threads connecting in a larger, more intricate pattern. When they assumed she had betrayed them, she had merely provided them with opportunity without revealing her own deviation.

“When you pledged your loyalty to the queen, you meant it.” Henry viewed her in an entirely new light. Gone were the malicious actions replaced with strategically provided pieces of information for them to uncover the truth of Simon’s plot.

“If I revealed my true intent, he would have killed me without hesitation. I was nothing more than a weapon for him to use and discard as he saw fit.” Ivy blinked back the tears forming at the corner of her eyes. “I regret not being able to do more to spare the pain my actions caused both you and the queen.”

“I did not know members of the Guild bore a conscience.” Crispin’s sardonic comment drew her ire.

“I was not a member by choice. I was sold to the Guild and beaten to instill fear and respect for the Guild masters.” She narrowed her gaze. “When they sold me to him, I did what I must to survive, hoping to earn my freedom. But the queen showed me mercy and offered me a different path.”

Henry smoothed his thumb over her fingertips in an effort to soothe her. He wished he could pull her into his embrace and hold her against his heart. But Crispin was the king and his judgment in this matter superseded Henry’s emotional ties to Ivy. He needed to trust his king’s decision.

Crispin and Ivy remained locked in a wordless battle for several tense moments before Crispin nodded. “Very well.” He turned to Henry. “Do you bear the responsibility for this woman?”

“Of course I do.” The affirmation fell from his mouth without consideration, but he could not argue with it. He loved her, beyond reason and understanding.

“Henry.” Her sinful voice drew his attention. Their gazes locked.

“I cannot deny the love I have for you, Ivy. While I respect my king and country and vow to serve them in all ways, my heart belongs to you alone.”

“As mine belongs to you.” Tears broke free, marking her cheeks. She wiped them away with her free hand and smiled.

“From this moment forward, I hold you responsible for this woman. I doubt she will be a meek bride, but somehow I feel you both are well-suited for each other. I shall leave you to recover.” After several paces, Crispin turned. “Although, I will be having you moved to another chamber. I cannot have you commandeering my chambers indefinitely.” With a smile, he left them in peace.

Ivy sank onto the bed beside Henry. She leaned over him and placed a tender kiss on his lips.

“I love you, Henry. From the first night I saw you, I wanted nothing but you.” Her words and the smile on her lips infused him with hope and pride. “I regret deceiving you. From this moment forward, I vow it will never happen again.”

“I should hope not.” Henry glanced at the door then back at Ivy. “I doubt he will be gracious enough to pardon you a second time.”

“Would you?” Ivy cupped his face, and the warmth of her touch sent a bolt of need through him.

“I showed you mercy before, but make no mistake, when you are mine, wholly completely, unequivocally, then I will ensure your loyalty remains steadfast.” He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and held tight, their lips a breath apart. “You will belong to me, body and soul, and there will be no man alive who will possess you as I do.”

Ivy whimpered before kissing him. He basked in the sensation of her lips and the sweet taste of her tongue. Even though his body protested, he held her tight against him and claimed what she offered. When he groaned in discomfort, she drew back.

“You should rest.” She tried to pull away, but he held her tight.

“Lie with me a while.” He lifted his arm and allowed her to lie against his uninjured side. Henry pressed a soft kiss to her head and closed his eyes.

Henry knew not what the future held, but he would savor every moment from this day forward. He might not be dead, but to him, he was certainly in heaven.
