Page 22 of Highest Bidder

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“I’m not going to lose you again,” Mom assures me, steely. When Dad makes a choked sound, she gives him that look again. “Paul, all these years I’ve stood back and let you have your way. And I’m sure I’ll continue doing that after this morning. But right now, you’re going to give your daughter what she wants, because it will give you what you want. Having her home, and safe with us.”

“And by the way,” I add, sneaking a glance at him. He’s dumbfounded, red-faced, looking like he just got hit by a truck. “Beckett has no idea we’re having this conversation. I don’t even know if he has any feelings for me. But I know I do for him. And I at least have to try and see if he wants the same thing I do. I’ve seen my life flash before my eyes too many times in the past twelve hours to pass up the chance at being happy.”

His mouth works silently for a few seconds before he finally shrugs. “Just don’t parade it around in front of me. That’s all I ask. I’m going to need some time to get used to this.”

And now when I throw my arms around his neck, I do it with my whole heart. “Thank you, Dad,” I whisper before kissing his cheek. “I’ve missed you.”

He gives me a tight hug. “I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.”

“Promise you won’t hurt him?”

“Like I said, he took a bullet for you today. That’s enough for me.”

When the front door opens, the sound echoing through the first floor, I take off for the entry hall at a run. I’m so fast, Beckett gets only halfway through the door by the time I reach him.

“Come on, let me help you.” He’s alive. He’s safe and he’s alive. I can’t stop touching him, like I have to prove it to myself.

“I’m fine. I can walk.” But he looks gray and shuffles his feet a little as I walk alongside him.

“You’ve lost a lot of blood. where’s the doctor?”

“He’s getting a ride home from one of the guys outside. I guess your father arranged it already.” His jaw tightens at the mention of Dad, and he lifts his gaze to look down the hall toward the study.

“Don’t worry about him,” I whisper. “I already worked it all out.”

“What do you mean?” He comes to a stop, turning to me.

“I mean, I told him I’m out of here if he says I can’t be with you.”

“You what?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not like we’re engaged or anything. I told him I don’t even know if you have feelings for me.”

“You what?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I just wanted to let him know I’m making my own choices from now on. And you’re the first choice I want to make. But, like I said, only if you want to.”

He shakes his head with a weary sigh. “Olivia, I love you like crazy. And that’s a good thing, because that’s what you make me. Crazy. Barely home for an hour and you’re already making decisions for us.”

“But you do love me?” I whisper. My heart’s bursting. This can’t be real.

He grins softly. “I was starting to tell you before we were interrupted at the motel. I pretended not to know where you were all that time because I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away from you if I brought you home. I didn’t want to put myself through it. You’re the one thing I knew I could never resist. And I still think you deserve better than me.”

“You’re wrong about that.”

“Agree to disagree.” He lifts his good hand and runs the backs of his fingers over my cheek. “Though it’s more fun when we fight.”

“It is, isn’t it?” I wink before taking his good arm and winding mine around it. Then I lower my voice to a whisper, leaning in until my lips touch his ear. “And don’t think I’m going to forget about that whole tying-me-to-the-bed idea. I want to explore that.”

“Yes,” he decides with a happy smile as we continue down the hall, “that was sixty grand well spent.”
