Page 13 of Dragon's Assassin

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“True,” Creed nodded. “I never thought about it that way.”

“Just like I’ve never heard you doubt anything in all the years I’ve known you.”

“I blame the alcohol,” Creed groaned.

“It might be the beautiful woman that caught your eye,” Max chuckled. “You know, the one you think is your Mate?”

“Oh, yeah, I remember,” Creed sighed.

“But do you remember her name?” Kayne snickered. “Maggie told you every time you asked. I’m pretty sure you were up to twenty-five times before we got you off that stool and out the door of the bar.”

“I do,” Creed smiled. “Her name is Alex – Alessandra MacAskill.”

“I am seriously impressed,” Kayne chuckled.

“Yeah, me too,” The Paladin agreed with a grin. “Now, about that nap….”

“Okay, Old Timer,” Max snorted with laughter. “You get your beauty sleep. We’ll wake you when we get there.”

Letting his eyes slide shut behind the darkest pair of sunglasses he owned, Creed could think of nothing else but the beautiful Fairy, Alex. Never had he seen a more stunning woman in all his days. She had been the embodiment of grace as she walked across the bar like she owned the place.

And there was something else. Something just under the surface that called to him even more than her amazing curves and gorgeous face. It was something he looked for in the Guardsmen he led but had never imagined he would find so alluring in a Mate. It was her strength.

Oh, yeah, it was enthralling in every way possible. It meant that she couldand wouldbe his equal in all things. A true partner with the gumption to stand up to him when he was wrong and fight beside him if need be.

“But it is our job to protect her from all harm,”Alastair objected.“How can you be thinking about our Mate in battle? That makes no sense.”

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, Old Man,”Creed disagreed.“Of course, I will always protect her with every fiber of my being, with my dying breath and my last drop of blood. But a woman, a Fairy with the strength, Magic, and power I could feel emanating from her soul will not stay at home. She won’t sit idly by while I run off to battle. Nope, I saw that the second I laid eyes on her. She’s a Warrior who will not be tamed and I could not be happier.”

“I just hope you got this right, Lad,”the Dragon King huffed.“Cause this is the only chance you’re gonna get. Fate doesn’t mess around. She doesn’t give second chances, and She doesn’t play games.”

“I’m aware.”

“Sure, just like you were aware that your head would feel like it weighed a hundred pounds, and the whites of your eyes would look like maraschino cherries after drinking more scotch than an entire rugby team.”

“There’s a first time for everything.”

“Yeah, and it better be your last.”

“Aye, aye, Cap’n. Aye, aye.”
