Page 5 of Dragon's Assassin

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Chapter Two

Looking around the room, it was as if her dreams had come to life. Not only was there a huge, antique four-poster bed, complete with canopy, in the center, but it was adorned with her favorite colors – black and white. Gorgeous Oriental rugs covered the shiny wooden floor, with antique furniture in all the right places.

“Of course, I was alive, make that well into my mature years, when all of these pieces made their debut.” Shrugging as she kept talking to herself, she chuckled, “Some things never go outta style – like me and the furniture.”

Turning towards the floor-to-ceiling windows covering one entire wall, she couldn’t help but walk over and look out. “Oh, my Great Goddess,” she breathed, “The flowers are gorgeous, and that fountain….”

“You’d think this place was run by a whole Fairy Frolick,” Amy chuckled. “Oh, but it’s better than that. This B&B is run by twin Alpha She-Wolves who just happen to be good friends of yours. Now, that’s what I call Girl Power.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Alex teased. “Can you believe this place is just a few hours from home?”

“Yourhome maybe,” Amy shrugged. “For me, it’s….”

“On the other side of the Veil about a million miles from the Mound,” Alex recited what she’d heard every hour of every day since her little sister arrived. Laying her hand on Amy’s shoulder, she assured, “I know that’s how it feels right now, but just wait. You’ll be on this side soon enough.”

“Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just….”

“Just that you’re impatient to get started with your own Destiny.”

“I am,” the younger Fairy agreed. “It just sucks that it’s at the expense of your future.”

“Never think of it that way,” Alex corrected. “It’s all part and parcel of being a member of the glorious MacAskill Frolick.”

“Woohoo, ya’ just gotta love Fairies and their crappy bloodlines.”

“It’s our lot in life. It’s not the greatest lot, but it’s our life.”

“Would it be bad to saywoohooagain?”

“Not at all,” Alex laughed. “Just do it while we unpack. This is the first vacation I’ve had in nearly a century, and I mean to enjoy it.”

Moving her suitcases in front of the mahogany armoire that was from the seventeenth century if she remembered right, Alex began to unload her bags. Thinking about Fate and Destiny, where it had led her, and about the life she’d lived over the last nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine years, she was filled with a peace never before realized. There was something about knowing her purpose was just, was what she’d been born to do, that made her believe even more in the Calling accepted by the MacAskill Fairies all those millennium before.

Letting the memories float to the front of her mind, she heard her grandma’s voice and smiled….

“Tell me again, Nana. Tell me what I will be when I grow up.”

“You, my sweet girl,” her grandma smiled. “Will be the Sìthiche Dubh - the Morrígan’s Assassin, the one Being in all the universe who will exact Justice to those who have broken the laws of Nature, of man, and of the gods.”

“And will I have feathers on my wings instead of the gossamer and sparkles?”

“You know you will, Alessandra,” her grandma chuckled, rubbing tiny circles down her back. “You will have black feathers like the Crows who come at the Goddess of War’s call. You will have powers unlike any other Fairy, and you will…”

“I will ascend to the Heavens to live among my ancestors when my time has been successfully completed. The trumpets of Danu will call me home and I shall take my place among the female warriors of the MacAskill Frolick. We will live all of eternity in the glow of the Mother Goddess and Father of All.”


“Unless, like you and PopPop, and mom and dad, I find the one the Universe made for me, the man who shares my Fate and Destiny, my one True Fated Mate. If I meet him before the end of my time as the Sìthiche Dubh, then we will have the Blessing of the Goddess and the Universe and live forever in love and have children of our own.”

“You know this story better than I do, Alessandra,” her grandma smiled.

“I do Nana, but I like it when you tell it.” Looking out the window at her little sister playing with another younger Fairy, Alex asked, “Will Amy be the Sìthiche Dubh someday?”

“You tell me, sweet girl. Will your sister ascend when you have done your duty for the Goddess?”

“She will, Nana. She will,” Alex cheered. “And she will be good, but I’ll be better.”

“I am sure you will,” her grandma nodded. “But always remember, we have been given a great responsibility that should never be taken lightly. We never harm anyone who has not been found guilty by the Morrígan and her Court, and we always follow the instructions handed down by the Goddess.”
