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Kissing and tasting until Macy was sure she'd never be able to live without his touch, she could feel Jack everywhere, in her heart, in her soul, and in her thoughts. The sensual overload of having her Mate in her heart and soul and feeling his hands on her body made her insane with need. Making quick work of her bra with little more than a snap of his fingers, her panties followed suit with barely a tug of the silk covering her hip, and just like that, Macy was completely naked and utterly at her Mate's mercy.

Dreams do come true…

Lifting her hips in an effort to get his wandering hands where she needed them most, Macy growled in frustration when Jack placed one hand flat on the skin above the curls that covered her mound and expertly held her still. His hands were so large that as he moved his thumb back and forth, the tip brushed her very excited clit, raising goosebumps all over her body.

Groaning her frustration and ever-growing arousal with all the love in her heart, Macy could only chant his name, “Jack... oh my, Jack… Jack… I…”

The smile in his voice was so evident it raised the image of his ruggedly handsome face in her mind as he answered, “Yes, my love. I’m here.”

Moving his body against her, the friction causing her eyes to fly open, Macy was thrilled to see her Mate kneeling between her legs. Their eyes met, and she was captivated. Unable to do anything but look into the eyes of the man that was hers forever.

Never looking away, she watched his every move with her heart racing and her temperature rising. Placing his hands under her ass, Jack gently pulled her closer. The head of his cock touched the outer lips of her pussy and her hips lifted in response, pushing him between her outer lips, bumping her throbbing clit.

Trying to move her hips forward, Macy strained to push him farther inside, the movement forcing a gasp from them both. Watching his eyelids drop and the fire in his eyes burn brighter than ever before, she sighed in relief when his hips finally began to move.

Rolling her hips to meet his thrust, his thick, hard cock slid all the way into her wet warm pussy, stopping only when he reached the very bottom. Sighing in unison as the feeling of utter bliss rolled over and around them… that little piece of Macy's soul, the one Jack had taken with him all those years ago, clicked back into place. She was complete, truly one in all ways with the man meant to be hers.

Savoring the feel of her womb contracting around his hard, throbbing cock, Macy knew the moment Jack was going to stop and held perfectly still in response. Emotions flowed freely between them. Their hearts beat as one. The moment was perfect and only served to heighten Macy’s excitement.

Looking at where their bodies were joined, Jack spoke with incredible reverence, “Look at us, my beautiful Dragoness, look at where we are joined. Always together, just as the Universe and Fate intended.”

The sight of their bodies joined only added fuel to the fire that was Macy’s arousal, her orgasm just out of reach. Moving with renewed vigor, her body perfectly colliding with her Mate’s, she watched Jack glide in and out of her pussy.

Rolling his hips every time their hips touched, the change in motion made the head of his cock rub against the bundle of nerves at the top of her channel, and the base of his cock to stroke her clit on every pass. Unable to do anything but feel, Macy let go of everything but the love and devotion she felt for her Mate and reached for his hands. Fingers sliding between hers just as she screamed her release to the Heavens, her heart soared as Jack’s roar followed.

Nothing had ever felt so right. Finally, Macy was back with the man she loved more than life herself, and they were joined together as Fate and the Universe had always intended.

“Hey there, Sexy Woman, how you doin’?” Jack asked, slowly moving in and out of her body as their hands remained clasped.

Knowing she wore a goofy grin and not giving one good damn, Macy purred, "Couldn't be better, Good Lookin'. Not even if I was twins."

Letting their hands fall apart, Jack gently pulled entirely out of her body before gently sliding his arms under and around and lifting her up. Then, moving her to the top of their pallet, he gently laid her on her side with her head on a feather pillow. Macy had never felt so loved, so cherished, so adored.

Taking his place beside her and smiling from ear-to-ear, the Dragoness had no idea how long they laid there, gazing into each other’s eyes. All she was sure of was that she never wanted it to end.

Then, out of nowhere, Jack produced a copper-colored velvet box with a white satin ribbon tied around the middle. As he handed it to her, she could feel his heart start to race, and hers followed suit.

“What’s this?”

“Open it and find out.”

"Dammit, Jack, I haven't had time to get you anything. Hell, I didn't think you ever wanted to talk to me again. I was sure we'd never…."

“I know,” he interrupted, shaking his head and huffing out a breath. “I fucked up, and I’ll spend forever making it up to you.” Nodding his head towards the box, he winked, “That’s just the first of many surprises.”

“Stop with that crap. I told you.” Reaching forward and laying her hand on his cheek, Macy poured all the love she had for her amazing Mate into her next words, “Tonight is the beginning ofourforever. The past is the past, and we let it lie there. No more apologies or explanations needed –ever.”

“Okay, but…”

“But nothing,” she quickly corrected. "Besides, I didn't get you anything, and that's not cool."

"Oh, Baby, it's more than cool," Jack snickered. "I have everything I want,right here– and that’syou, Macy Lindon-Thorntree. Now, open that box before I go all crazy Dragon, and dare you to streak through the desert."

“Oh, hell, no,” Macy shook her head furiously. “I fell for that shit once and ended up running all by my lonesome. Never again.”

“If I say pretty please.” Waggling his eyebrows, Jack mused. “I would give a whole lot of whatever I have to see that cute ass of yours – that I love more than Auntie Barbara’s buttermilk biscuits - running across the land I love almost as much.”

"Just hush," Macy teased, sticking her tongue out to keep from laughing out loud. “I’m not gonna streak across the desert – and that’s that.”
