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There was no way in hell he could lie to the one woman the Universe made for him. She would’ve been able to read it in his expression, see it in his eyes, and heck, probably smell the change in his scent even though she was mostly human.

“Speaking of that,”Felim made a show of clearing his throat, filling Jack’s mind eye with steam.“When are you gonna tell everyone else that Macy has Dragon blood? Don’t you think they should be ready for the shitstorm before you go breakin’ the news to your little lass?”

“When I’m damned good and ready and not a minute sooner is when I plan to tell my family. I told Heath, isn’t that enough for right now?”

“It would be if he’d at least told his twin. What’s gonna happen if Macy suddenly grows wings and takes off? Or goes through her first transformation when you're not there? Or, if she…."

"That's not gonna happen. Macy doesn't even know she's been blessed with the soul of a Dragon Queen. Get over it. Shifting for the first time without any warning just because someone is close to their Mate just doesn't happen. Shit like that is all folk tales and bullshit to scare the younger Dragons. To keep them from foolin' around before they're ready."

“No, it most assuredly is not. Your Mating Bond is strengthening. If it hasn't already, that connection will awaken Macy's latent genes and, more importantly, the Dragon Queen with whom she shares her soul. Then…”

“…you need to shut the hell up. I said I would handle it my way, and I will. When the time is right, I will tell the whole family, and not a second before.”

“Oh, I see how it is.”

"Yep, that's right, Old Man. I call the shots on…."

“Alright, you two," Heath grumbled, his horse pulling up alongside Jack's. "It's not fair to tell secrets. You know that crap drives me crazy. It's not my fault the Universe and the Great Goddess gave me the stupid ability to know when others are mind speaking. I would give it up in a hot minute. Unfortunately, the buzzing in my ears is givin’ me a headache. I’m doin’ my best to stay outta your mind, but something has gotta give. It’s makin’ me…."

"Yup, we both know it makes you crazier than a bedbug," Jack grinned, giving his cousin a cheeky wink. "That's why we do it." Not waiting for a response, he leaned forward in the saddle, gave a shrill whistle through his teeth, and commanded, "Yah, Millie!"

Taking off like a shot, he chuckled the next words directly into Heath’s mind,"Better get the lead out, Young'un. Macy catches your ass out here, and she's gonna think you lied. Or worse yet, you're the one who's been kickin' the shit outta her plants. Then there really will be hell to pay."

“That’s just wrong, Bro,”Heath shot back a second before his barked command to his horse rang out over the darkening desert.“That’s one woman I would hate to have mad at me. She might be little, but she’s scary as hell.”

The thought of Macy with flushed cheeks, flames jumping to life in her deep brown eyes, her breath coming in puffs, and her beautifully kissable lips opened ever so slightly was almost more than Jack could stand. At the sound of her truck tires sliding on the bumpy desert road, it took all of his considerable control not to turn around, admit his sins, and beg her forgiveness.

“But you can’t,”Felim reminded.“Not yet.”

Refusing to be bated into yet another debate on the pros and cons of involving, or as the case may be –not involving– Macy in their investigation, Jack just needed to catch a glimpse of his Mate. The temptation to at least lay eyes on her when she was close was just too much to resist.

Guiding Millie to the left and using a bunch of Mesquite trees for cover, he knew Heath would follow as he waited for Macy to race by. Sure enough, his cousin ducked into the opposite side just as his Mate’s silver pickup roared past.

Just the sight of her, that quick and fleeting glimpse, made his heart beat faster and the blood race through his veins. Felim's warm, burnished copper scales glowed brightly over his arms and the backs of his hands as Dragon Fire flamed to life in his soul.

In the blink of an eye, Jack was almost out of control. Like a passionate teenager all over again, all he wanted to do was be with the one the Universe had made for him.

“Nothing new,” he grumbled under his breath.

It was that way every time Macy was near. Even the thought of her or the mere mention of her name and the fresh, clean scent of the desert air after a spring rain – the unique scent of his Mate - made him long for the easy life. One without monsters and villains and the threat of the world falling apart at every turn.

All he wanted, what he prayed for every night, was to settle down with the woman of his dreams. It was as simple and difficult as that. His entire future was rolled up in one uncrackable nut.

The feeling of knowing he belonged to someone, and she belonged to him was Heaven sent. There was nothing like it. Nothing compared. Macy was one of a kind, and soon, so very soon, she would be his.

He wanted her. Needed her. Had to have her.

Macy Lindon was everything good and right in his world.

She always had been. She always would be.

She was the reason he’d joined the Dragon Intelligence Agency. The motivation behind all his hard work. From the day he’d first laid eyes on her, Jack had done everything he could to be a good guy and not just another bum on the Reservation.

No, he most definitely did not think any of his kin were bums, but a huge percentage of the rest of the world perceived them that way. They believed all the bullshit and misinformation spread by stupid politicians and wealthy land developers who wanted Reservation lands for themselves.

Sadly, the outsiders who never took the time to get to know them – to do the slightest bit of research – believed everything they heard. They lapped it up with a biscuit and regurgitated every vitriol ounce of hate to anyone who would listen.

It pissed Jack off to no end. How did any of them know what it meant to be Cherokee, to be a Timberwolf Shifter, and to be a Dragon Guardsman? They didn't – and that was the whole point. The ignorant idiots – the ones who thought of him and his kin as bums – were the people spreading their racist bullshit like pollen on the breeze of an April morning.
