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Cuddling even closer, working on my lovey eyes and pouty lips, I whispered, “You really are the best.”


“Really, really, the best ever.”

“Mmhmm, I agree,” Liam nodded. “But this little routine won’t work on me, Ella Elizabeth Brown-Archer. You had no clue that it was the Krampus who knocked you off the ladder…”

“It wasn’t Krampus, it was his nasty black Magic in the body of the spider that I scooped off the mantel and was trying to take outside.”

“…when you were hanging that week’s star atop your tree that ended up with you having a broken leg that wouldn’t heal. And that you didn’t even bother to worry about the weird black lines streaking up and down your leg. And…”

“Yes, I did. I called Dr. Bombay. He said he was taking care of it and I trusted him.”

“…when I tried to talk to you for the first time in what seemed like forever, you hung up on me.”


And that was as far as I got before my wonderful, amazing, and terrific Mate lifted me onto his lap and kissed me silly. Pulling back long before I was ready with a twinkle in his eye, a smile on his face and those dimples I just couldn’t resist, Liam Archer, my man, my Dragon, got to his feet with me still in his arms and turned towards the staircase.

Hollering over his shoulder, he advised, “Better turn on the TV and turn it up all the way, Edgar. I would hate for you to hear any of the lovey-doveyness that’s about to happen.”

“Oh, brother,” my cranky Christmas Elf scoffed. “Hey, can you make me a cabin right behind this one? Do you and your brothers know how to build houses as well as you build furniture. I mean, if this lovey dovey crap is just gonna keep happening, it might be a good idea, right? You and Ella have your space. I have mine. Easy peasy, Christmas is breezy.”

“I’ll talk to the guys,” Liam chuckled before whisking me up the stairs intoourroom and loving me like only a Dragon can love his Mate.

Hours later, boneless and more in love than I ever thought possible, I realized I hadn’t said the three words I’d been waiting my whole damned life to say to the man of my dreams. Yes, I’d thought them to him, I’d mouthed them to him, I’d even started to say them aloud then he did the most wonderful thing with his tongue and well, instead of those three important words, I was screaming his name to the Heavens along with a few things I just can’t repeat without embarrassing myself.

It was time to rectify the situation. I had to say what I’d wanted to say since the first time I laid my eyes on that Dragon. Nothing was going to stop me, not even the sexy man himself.

Propping myself up, with my hand on Liam’s chest and my chin on the back on my hand, I waited as patiently as I could until his eyes met mine. “Do you have any idea how much I love you, Liam Archer? Any idea at all?”

Tapping his temple, my handsome Dragon lazily nodded, “I do, but you can tell me, ‘cause I know you want to.”

Climbing up his body, straddling his naked lap, I sat there in all my nude glory, not worried about my extra curves or my big boobs for the first time in my life, because the man I loved was looking at me like I was the hottest woman in the world – and that’s all that mattered. Laying my lips to his, kissing him slowly, letting every emotion I felt for him and what we were together flow from my heart to his, I whispered directly into his mind,“Liam Alec Archer, I love you more than chocolate-covered cherries, bell-shaped sugar cookies with white frosting and red sprinkles, and even more than my coffee. Hell, I love you more than Christmas. I love you with everything that I am and everything that I will ever be. I love you, Liam. I just love you so much.”

Keeping his arms tight around me and deepening our kiss, my man rolled us over until my back was on the mattress and the weight of his body was pushing against mine. We fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle. It was nothing short of amazing. Nothing had ever been more perfect.

Lifting his head and smiling down at me, my man whispered, “I love you more, Ella Elizabeth Brown-Archer. I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you and I’ll love you forever and ever and ever.” Giving me a wink that made my heart skip a beat and my libido go from zero to a hundred, he added, “Merry Christmas, Baby. Will you marry me?”

Lifting my lips to meet his, I kissed that Dragon with everything I had, sighing into his mind,“Oh, yes, Liam Archer, I’ll marry you and I’ll love you forever. And that’s a promise from the one and only Keeper of the Christmas Star. It just doesn’t get any better.”

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays!


Hold those you love close, and always believe, ‘cause Santa is real, my friends. So is true love and Rudolph and the Grinch – who is really not that bad of a guy. And that’s coming from the one and only Keeper of the Christmas Star who just happens to be Mated to the Dragon of Light and rides a broom and lights the Christmas Star.

Remember, anything can be real. All ya’ gotta do is believe.

XOXO, Ella Brown -soon to be Archer
