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More chatter from the Dwarf - this time at a higher pitch with a plethora of Gaelic curses sprinkled about - had Jianna once again fighting not to laugh before she assured, “Yes, sir, I completely agree. The guest responsible has been reprimanded and there will be no more outbursts or magical misconduct of any kind, you have my word.”

Almost laughing out loud when Jianna’s eyes got as big as saucers and she mouthed, “I should let him yell at you,” Lottie’s expression did an abrupt about-face when the Valkyrie continued with, “Also, can you make sure that a complimentary dinner with all the trimmings is delivered to Agent Cross’ room with a bottle of our best hundred-year-old Scotch, please, Merry? And tell him that I’ll be ‘round with the information he requested as soon as I can.”

Waiting until Jianna said thank you and goodbye, Lottie groaned, “You’re giving that pompous butthead an expensive bottle of Scotchanda great meal? Shane’s gonna be the one grillin’ his steak, too, isn’t he? That Gargoyle can cook a mean side of beef.”

Eyes rolling back in her head, the Sleipnir Shifter moaned at the memory of the perfect filet mignon she’d eaten during her last visit. Slowly shaking her head, she added with a scowl, “That is over the top. You’ll never get rid of him. You know how Dragons are, especially those Guardsmen. They love to eat. He’ll eat you out of house and home. And don’t get me started about their know-it-all attitudes. It’s the worst. And those blasted DIA Agents are at the top of my list.Sheesh!I had to get rid of him just to hear myself think. Donovan could’ve listened when I told him to hush. He should’ve…”

“Youshould’ve controlled your temperandyour hormones.” Holding up her hand, the palm facing Lottie, she added, “And before you go all apeshit again and I have to call Merlin back from Cali, I am giving Van the same information I just gave you.”


“Ut-ut-ut,” Jianna tutted, her hands closing all except for the index finger that was pointed at the tip of Lottie’s nose. “No buts. I’m giving it to him in exactly two hours. So, get busy. Don’t waste time arguing with me. If you think you can do this without his help, then put your Magic where your mouth is, my girl.”

Disappearing before Lottie could argue, the Valkyrie’s disembodied chuckled filled the meadow, “And, I love you, too. Now get cracking. If I know Donovan Cross as well as I think I do, he won’t need much time to catch up.”
