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Chapter Two

“You’re really going to leave me here?” Colton MacAllen, the first of the twins, number five in the line of infamous brothers and renowned Dragon Guardsmen, whined.

Smiling as the younger Dragon continued to bitch and moan, Donovan had to clench his jaws tight to keep from laughing out loud when Cole added, “Aww, come on, man. Don’t be like that. I joined the DIA to get away from the Ranch, to spread my wings, to learn a whole new way of catchin’ the bad guys.”

“And youarelearning,” the Dragon Intelligence Agent and good friend to Cole’s adopted brother, Ranger snickered. Spinning on the heels of his Gucci loafers, Donovan speared the younger Guardsman with a look he hoped would put an end to the tirade. “How to take orders, be patient, and do as you’re told. Probably the most important of all lessons. The ones that will save your ass when push comes to shove and the bad guys are trying to rip your head off your shoulders.”

“That blows.”

“Yep,” Donovan, aka Van to those who knew him best, deadpanned before winking and giving the much younger Dragon a mock salute. “Besides, if you do what you’re told, I may let you guard the very special witness that’ll be arriving in the next day or so.”

“Witness Protection?” Colton groaned even louder, thethunkof the toe of his boot striking a fence post cutting through the hot desert air.

“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. You might be surprised, Ace. I hear she’s a real looker.”

“Oh, great!” Ripping the cream-colored Stetson off his head and throwing it on the ground, Colton ranted even louder. “A female?! You’re leaving me to babysit a girl?”

“That’swoman, Ace,” Van snickered. “And don’t you forget it. This one might just knock you on your ass and leave you out back for the Coyotes…”

Turning back the way he’d originally been heading, Van called to Ranger through their unique and private mental link.“Your little bro’s out by the barn bitching to the horses, throwing his hat around, and kicking fence posts. He’s not at all happy to be left behind.”

“Yeah, I figured as much,”the other Guardsman and DIA Agent chuckled. “His pissiness is blasting through the family bond like a cannonball over the wall of the Alamo. Cole never was one to keep his feelings to himself, but he’ll just have to get over it. If the intel Chase sent you about Vanessa and Hammond is only half right, the kid’s likely to get his head blown off his shoulders faster than he can pull his blade from the ether, then not only will we lose one of our own, one of my brothers, but we’ll both have to deal with mom.”

“Oh, hell no,”Van quickly and adamantly objected. “She’s your momma. And, as we all know, taking on a pissed off woman is miles above my paygrade. But Barbara MacAllen, Alpha Timberwolf, Cherokee Princess, and Mate to Owen – Leader of the legendary MacAllen Dragons - now, that my brutha, is a whole galaxy above anything I could ever dream of handling. Don’t get me wrong. I respect women with all that I am. There is nothing like fightin’ beside a strong powerful woman. They give a whole new meaning to kicking ass with flare, but I just don’t want all of that pointed in my direction. Ya’ feel me?”

“You say that now.” Ranger’s laughter filled his mind. “But just wait till you meet your Mate. The minute you lay eyes on her – all bets are off. She’ll have you all tangled up in your underwear faster than you can bat an eye.”

“Whatever, Bub,”Van scoffed, trying hard to hide the naked truth that had already knocked him for a loop from his oldest and closest friend. “I’m pretty sure the Universe saw me coming and decided I was meant to be the Lone Dragon.”

“Oh, shit. Don’t tell me, you’re gonna get a mask and ride a silver horse. I’m not sure the world’s ready.”

“Nope, might wrinkle my suit. All I’m sayin’ is, I’m not you. I didn’t meet the one woman the Universe made for me when I was a young’un, fall head over heels in love, and move Heaven and Earth to be by her side.”

“Yeah, well, that almost didn’t work out for Elle and me, as you well know.”

“The operative word being ‘almost’.”

“Yeah,”Ranger chuckled, the unconditional, undying love and affection he felt for his Mate louder than any words the Guardsman was thinking.“I guess you’re right. But we didn’t have it easy. It took a lot of years and a lot of groveling.”

“But you did it,”Van assured. “You really did it, and I’ve never seen you happier. Now, go back to your Mate, give her my love, and let me get the hell outta Dodge. Jianna will be waiting for me at the other end of the portal Brynn opened, and you know how that old Valkyrie can get.”

“I do,”Ranger deadpanned. “Just never let her hear you call her old. Remember, she kicks ass and doesn’t bother takin’ names.”

“But she’s like… what? Thousands of years old? It’s not hot-off-the-presses news. Everybody knows Valkyries live forever and three days.”

“Probably more than that but let me give you a tip that might just keep you alive.”

“Come on,”Van gibed. “Hit me with your best shot.”

“Never, and I mean never, ask a lady her age or tell her that she looks old. There’s no sooner way to be singin’ soprano in an all boys’ choir.”

“HA!”Van laughed out loud, his voice carrying across the gleaming sand. “You’re not sayin’ anything I haven’t heard a hundred times before.”

“Well, I sure as hell hope you’re listenin’ this time. Jianna’s tough. She’s literally been to Hell and back more times than either of us can count, and she takes no shit from nobody. Not even a Dragon with a badge who looks like he should be on the cover of GQ.”

“Hey! I resemble that statement.”

“You damned sure do,”Ranger guffawed. “Now, get the hell outta here, stop the bad guys, and come on home safe. I’ll keep the beer cold.”
