Page 106 of Under a Northern Sky

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He releases me, but only to go to work on the buckles of my vest. Before I’m even steady on my feet, he’s got it off and is lifting my dress over my head.

“Luka!” I fuss, still trying to bat his hands away. “We should talk.”

He takes hold of my shirt and tears the linen right down the middle, baring my breasts. The rip echoes loudly in the cabin along with my gasp of shock, both sounds landing between my thighs, causing another, more intense flare of heat.

“Was that necessary?” I ask drolly, hoping he doesn’t notice the blush on my cheeks.

“No more talk.” He recaptures the hair at my nape, tugging me forward. “You will give meeverything.I will have your smiles and your conversation and your full attention.AndI will have your body. Do you understand? All of it is mine.”

I try to glower at him, but it has no effect.

“And if you ever think to ignore me in favor of others, or withhold yourself from me in any way again, you willnotlike the consequences.” He leans closer with every word until we are nose to nose. “Right now, I’ll have your cunt. Every inch of it.”

Instead of keeping my mouth shut like I know I should, I provoke him further. “And what if I have demands of my own? Maybe I want you making me come as you beg for my forgiveness.”

“Oh, I’ll make you come.” He snaps his teeth at me, then pulls away slightly to use his free hand to grip my neck. My eyes roll back at the sensation of being trapped, one of his hands at my nape, the other on my throat. “You’ll come on my cock, on my tongue, on my fingers. On my whole fucking hand if I so desire.”

I don’t even try to challenge him when downward pressure sends me toward the floor. Keeping my descent slow, he gets me on my knees and then onto my front until the soft pelts of my cloak are teasing my nipples into hard points.

His fingertips briefly skim over the tender whip mark on my shoulder as if checking that I’m fit for what he has planned. I must pass his test because he straddles my hips to keep me pinned down. I twist, but all I can see is the broad expanse of his back.He’s faced away from me?“Luka?”

Smack. His palm comes down on the outside of my thigh. Even through my buckskin leggings, it stings. “Quiet.” He bends my leg up and goes to work getting my boots off, one by one. When he shuffles back and hooks his fingers into the waist of my pants, I struggle a bit, still wary. His legs clamp against my ribs, sending a dose of lust into my core as he strips the last of my clothing away.

Strong hands land on the insides of my thighs, startling me. Reflexively, I resist his attempts to open my legs and another smack comes down, this one on my bare ass. I suck in a breath.

“Settle,” he orders and this time I let him spread me wide. “You will give me what I want.” Fingers trail up the inside of my thigh, and suddenly, the thought of him finding out how aroused I am sends a flush of mortification all the way from my head to my toes. When my legs start to close, he pries me back open and has my sex cupped from behind before I even take my next breath.

He laughs. “Is this what you would hide from me? How wet you are?” He presses into my clit and my vision whites out. Around and around he circles, causing bolt after bolt of pleasure to careen across my senses. The strange vulnerability of my position only serves to wind me up further, and combined with his other hand’s exploration of the skin of my backside, it all proves too much for me with embarrassing quickness. Humping his hand for all I’m worth, I explode into a delicious hail of fragmented light.

As if my capitulation was what he was waiting for, his weight lifts. Over my shoulder, through half-masted lids, I watch him strip himself naked, keenly ogling his length, which juts out proudly from his body. When he plants his big hands on either side of my shoulders, I’m still in a bit of a daze and vaguely wonder what he’s doing. Hovering over me, he keeps his body as straight as the planks I’m lying on and slowly lowers himself until his chest grazes my shoulder blades and his cock touches my thighs, he nuzzles at my ear. “I hope you’re ready for me. This won’t be gentle.”

Bringing his knees down on either side of my thighs, he leans over me, allowing his heavy cock to land on my ass. His lips start at the top of my spine and begin to work their way down inch by inch.

Once he’s back sitting on his heels, my legs caught between his, he smacks my ass. “Present yourself.”

Um, what?He smacks me again.

“Get on your fucking hands and knees and present yourself for my cock.”

I groan. This man’s mouth is wonderfully filthy. Two more smacks.

“Ow, Luka.”


Unsure how he wants me to move with him on top of me, I start squirming forward to free my legs. “That’s it,” he encourages though his legs tighten around mine. The bastard. “Let me see how much you want this.” I pull myself forward on my arms, continuing to wiggle. When I slip on the cloak underneath me, I push it down until my elbows can get some purchase on the wooden floor. “Good girl,” he praises as I slip further from his clutches. His thumbs slip down between my ass cheeks and pull them apart, making me yelp. He smacks me again. “Come on, show me how much you want my cock in your cunt.”

“Luka!” He pries my ass cheeks apart again, this time, settling his length between them.

“Or maybe I don’t need your cunt after all.” He thrusts forward, sliding along my crack. “Why bother, when there’s a perfectly good hole available right here?”

I buck and squirm in earnest now, worried he might actually go through with his threat. “That’s it,” he taunts. “Work for it.”

He sits back again and continues to smack my ass and threaten me while I struggle in his hold. In the end, I’m a panting mess, somehow as desperate for him as he claims me to be. Finally he lets me work myself forward enough that I can push up onto my hands and knees. “Now there’s a good girl.”

“Shut up and fuck me already,” I gasp.
