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“Oh, nay, we’re not married,” said George, speaking for him and Chester.

“Neither am I,” said Bedivere, flashing her an enticing smile. “But I hope to change that soon.”

“My wife stayed back at Alnwick Castle,” the earl told her. “She insisted I could guard the ruby better if I didn’t have to watch over her, too.”

“Speaking of that . . .” To Willow’s dismay, Conrad pushed his way through the men, standing close to her.

“Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse Lady Willow, I need to escort her to her chamber anon.”

She straightened the crown on her head that had once been the crown of the late English queen, Philippa. Alnwick’s eyes roamed up to her head, and she smiled inwardly, knowing she’d caught his attention. That’s when she saw him nod and press his lips together. She was sure that meant he would show her the ruby once they left the great hall.

“Earl Alnwick, my chamber is next to yours,” said Willow. “Would you escort me on your way to your solar?” She smiled and tried to sound charming.

“Why, yes, I’d –”

“No need, but thank you,” said Conrad, taking her by the elbow and whisking her away. Willow struggled against his hold as he all but dragged her from the great hall.

“Let go of me!” she spat, trying to pry his fingers from her arm but he would not release her. He climbed the stairs to the second floor, making sure she was in front of him. “Didn’t you hear me? Release me anon.”

“Not until we get to your chamber.”

“I’m not going to my chamber. The dancing hasn’t even begun yet.”

“Dancing is out of the question unless you plan on dancing with another girl.”

“A girl?” The thought appalled her. “Of course not! I’m going to dance with every man here.”

“Not while I’m your guardian, you won’t.” He stopped outside her chamber door. “Your father instructed me to keep you away from the men until his return, and that is exactly what I’m going to do.”

“He’s not here, and you’re not my guardian, so leave me alone, Conrad the Cur.”

“Calling me names isn’t going to change the situation. Now, my sister, Hazel, is already inside your chamber waiting for you, so let’s hurry.” He knocked quickly on the door and opened it, guiding Willow through the entrance first.

When he turned to close the door, Willow saw Earl Alnwick walk by. She nodded, giving him a coy smile.

“Stop flirting with every man here.” Conrad slammed the door and stood glaring at her with his hands on his hips.

“I’m not flirting with every man, so don’t make it sound as if I’m a strumpet.”

“Name one man that you haven’t flirted with, and I’ll guarantee that you will try to do it before this festival is over.”

“You,” she said, smiling slightly. “I have not flirted with you and neither will I ever want to flirt with you since I despise you. So that ruins your theory.” She turned away from him.

Conrad somehow felt slightedthat she said this about him. Not wanting to flirt with him was one thing, but did she really despise him? No man wanted a beautiful woman to hate him. That only made Conrad want to try harder to get her to change her mind.

“Conrad?” came a soft voice from the other side of the room. Conrad had almost forgotten that his sister was there since she was so quiet. Willow’s presence was domineering, flamboyant, and overwhelming. When she was in a room, all eyes were on her. Even Conrad had found himself drawn in by not only her physical beauty but by the way she spoke and acted. It was as if each word was calculated to serve a purpose. But, at the same time, the tone of her voice made it seem effortless and spontaneous . . . and innocent. But innocent was a word that Conrad would never associate with this girl.

“Hazel.” Conrad guided Willow with his hand on the small of her back as he headed toward his sister. Willow looked over her shoulder and then down his arm. Quickly, he removed his hold, feeling as if she didn’t want him touching her. After all, when a woman says she despises a man, the last thing on earth she would want is for him to make contact. “Hazel, I would like you to meet Lady Willow. You will be staying with her in her chamber during the duration of our visit. I’m sure you two will enjoy each other’s company.”

“Humph,” mumbled Willow, hurrying over to the window and throwing open the shutters. She leaned over the sill, trying to see the knights and lords in the courtyard down below. Conrad sighed and hurried after her.

“Hello,” she called out, waving to someone.

“That’s enough,” said Conrad reaching for her just as she turned around. He must have scared her because she jerked backward and lost her balance. He grabbed her with both hands and pulled her into his arms as she almost fell out the open window. “Be careful,” he said, his arms wrapping around her securely. She looked up at him and was so close that their faces almost touched. Her long, black lashes blinked more than normal, showing off her big, round, brown eyes. The girl’s skin was smooth like silk, and her wavy, dark tresses cascaded loosely over her shoulders. She didn’t wear her hair pulled back and tucked away beneath a wimple like a proper lady. He found himself liking the way it looked. “You could have fallen,” he said, staring at her full lips. They looked so moist and soft and as if they were in need of kissing.

“I – suppose so.”

When her focus shifted to his mouth, all sense left him. He became heady from the scent of lavender wafting up from her hair. She smelled fresh like a summer’s day after a light rain. She had him so mesmerized that he found himself longing to know how her lips tasted. It was almost as if he’d go crazy with want if he didn’t find out. Then, without thinking, he leaned over and brushed his lips gently against hers.

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