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“Secret?” asked Conrad, dismounting. “Then why does half of Castle Rothbury know about it? Willow, why did you bring my sister here?”

“We wanted to go for a ride, that’s all.”

Conrad looked down at Willow,about to shake her for being so thoughtless. “You dare to take my sister outside the castle walls without an escort? Do you know how dangerous that is? What were you thinking?”

“Sir Conrad, I at least paid a little attention to your sister, when all you want to do is pawn her off on anyone who will take her,” retorted Willow.

“That’s not true.”

“That’s what Hazel said. Ask her yourself if you don’t believe me. She feels unwanted.”

“Hazel?” Conrad stepped around Willow and helped his sister to her feet. “You’re crying. What did Willow do to you? And where is your wimple? Your hair isn’t even in a braid.” Conrad’s blood boiled. What kind of a bad influence had Willow been on his dear, sweet, innocent sister?

“Willow said to do it, but I didn’t want to.” The girl sniffed and wiped away a tear.

“Now wait a minute, Hazel. That’s not exactly the truth,” said Willow.

“Why did you bring her here?” Conrad snapped at Willow. “This place is a tangled, twisted mass of weeds and overgrown plants. It is no place for a lady.”

“I agree.” Willow raised her chin and met him in challenge. “However, I wanted to show her a place that was at one time very special to me.”

“This?” Conrad raised a brow, pulling his sister closer. “I’d be surprised if a wild boar didn’t jump out trying to maul us.”

“Conrad, I want to go back to the castle,” said Hazel, sounding very upset. He put his arm around her and walked her to her horse.

“Let’s go,” he said, helping his sister mount. He looked up to see Willow settling herself on a wooden swing that was large enough for two. It hung from ropes between two shady trees. “I said, let’s go, Willow.”

“I will return later, so go ahead without me. I’m going to stay here for a while and pay my respects to Imanie.” She fussed with her hair.

Conrad didn’t want to argue with Willow since his sister was there. She was already so upset she was crying. It was surely from the fact that Willow forced her to ride unescorted and without a wimple. The poor girl was probably also frightened by the threatening look of these overgrown brambles.

“Toby, you and Branton escort Lady Hazel back to the castle. I will return with Lady Willow momentarily.”

“Aye, my lord,” answered Toby with a slight bow.

“Be sure to find a handmaid to tend to my sister’s needs. And get her some wine to calm her nerves. She is very upset by this outing.”

“We’ll see to your sister,” Branton assured him.

The three of them exited the garden, leaving Willow and Conrad alone.

“Why don’t you go with them?” asked Willow in a calm manner. “I told you before, I don’t need an escort or a guardian. There is no need for you to stay here with me.”

“The way I see it, you need more than just an escort. What you need, Lady Willow, is a good turn over my knee and a swift slap of my hand against your bottom,” growled Conrad. “What were you thinking to bring my sister here? You are very disrespectful.”

“On the contrary, Sir Conrad, I’m being very respectful, but you can’t see it. I came here not only to pay my respects to a dead woman, but I’ve also decided to help your sister. Now, why don’t you sit down and stop lurking over my shoulder and brooding like a bear?”

“Lurking? Brooding?” He shook his head. He didn’t lurk. Did he? And as far as he knew bears didn’t brood. Was she saying she thought he was big and gruff like a bear? It made him wonder. She had him so shaken by her choice of words that he almost forgot he was in the midst of scolding her. “My sister doesn’t need your kind of help.”

One dark, thin brow raised in surprise. “Really? And what kind of help might you be referring to?”

Conrad sat down next to her on the swing. The ropes creaked under his weight, making him feel heavy. Like a bear. He tested a rope with his hand and then used his feet to give the swing a slight push.

“Oh,” exclaimed Willow, falling back and into his arms. It wasn’t a planned action, but he didn’t mind the outcome. She looked up at him, and all angry thoughts left his head. He found himself lost in her big, brown eyes. Willow Douglas had been a cute girl in her childhood, but now she was a raving beauty. Why did she have to be so pretty? It made it hard to discipline her the way her father wanted. When Conrad was near her, nothing else seemed to matter.

“Would you slap me if I kissed you again?” he asked, taking a chance but being cautious at the same time. Mayhap, if he asked her permission, she wouldn’t be as eager to hit him like before.

“I might,” she said, looking at his mouth. She wasn’t pulling away, so he took that as a sign to continue.
