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“All right then.”

Willow took it as a challenge to make Hazel into the lady she was meant to be. When she got done with Conrad’s sister, no man would ever ignore her again.

* * *

Conrad paced backand forth in the courtyard, waiting for Willow and Hazel to join him. Being the girl’s guardian was proving to be much more of a chore than he thought it would be. Lord Beaufort kept him busy practicing, drinking, and talking with the men for much of his time. Conrad couldn’t deny the earl his request since he was the host of the festival. But because of it, he wasn’t watching Willow the way he should be. He also hadn’t seen much of Hazel lately, and that bothered him. Hazel was so shy that she was spending most of her time in Willow’s chamber hidden away. She wasn’t a typical girl and had many problems. She often acted in ways that could prove to be troublesome. Conrad couldn’t wait for Lord Rook to return, to serve as the girl’s guardian and mentor. Perhaps the man’s wife would be able to bring his sister out of her shell and get to the root of her problems.

“I cannot believe it is taking them this long to change their clothes,” Conrad complained to his squire. “Mayhap, I should go up there and drag them down here myself. It’s already nightfall. The festival of lights is starting.”

The courtyard was filled with people from nobles to servants and even merchants and serfs. Tonight was the part of the festival where everyone stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, celebrating, dancing, eating, drinking, and making merry. It was also the time when the competitors could get to know the prize brides and decide which one they wanted to compete for to win her hand in marriage. The bonfire would take place outside the castle gates but far enough away from the travelers’ tents that were pitched, lining the area just outside the castle.

“Lochwood, have an ale with us. You look uptight,” said Lord Beaufort. He and Earl Alnwick approached with tankards of ale in their hands. Pie vendors, alewives, jugglers and merchants from town filled the area. Small children chased after a barking dog while nobles tossed coins to some of the children or beggars outside the gate.

“Two pies for a penny,” said an old woman with a tray of small fruit pies that were only the size of one’s hand. She picked up a bilberry pie and held it in front of Conrad’s nose. The fruity aroma wafted up making him salivate.

It smelled delicious and was one of his favorite things to eat, but he needed to look for Willow and stay at her side. He needed to focus. “Nay,” he said, dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

A group of men, mostly nobles and knights, caused a ruckus just outside the keep. Conrad couldn’t see what was going on, but the men were all crowding around in a circle. They were becoming rowdy, and he wasn’t sure a rumble wouldn’t start soon.

“If you’ll excuse me,” he said to the earls. “I need to find Lady Willow.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to look too far,” Toby told him, stretching his neck to see over the crowd of people.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Look.” Toby pointed to the group of discordant men. Conrad glanced over at the men. His mouth dropped open. As the group parted, Willow emerged from the center. She wore a burgundy gown that clung to the sensuous curves of her body, leaving little to the imagination. Her hair was loose and hung down around her shoulders, looking shiny in the firelight of the torches. Queen Philippa’s crown was balanced precariously on her head, the jewels winking as she strolled across the courtyard laughing and talking in a singsong voice. The men followed her around like puppies.

“Willow,” he said in a low voice, not liking what he saw. Her bodice showed cleavage that he could see all the way from across the courtyard in the dark. It was like a beacon signaling every man there as if she were advertising her wares. “Nay you don’t,” he growled, storming across the courtyard, ready to wring her neck. “Lady Willow, I’d have a word with you.”

She looked up; her big, brown eyes drawing him in like a moth to a flame. The firelight of all the torches lining the area made her skin glow. She was the shining vision of loveliness, and he couldn’t deny it.

“Why, there you are, Sir Conrad,” she said in a sweet voice – too sweet of a voice that he was sure wasn’t meant for him. “We were looking for you.”

“We?” He didn’t understand who she meant until Willow walked back into the crowd of men and pulled someone along with her. “Don’t be shy, Hazel.”

“Hazel?” If Conrad wasn’t shocked by what he’d already seen, he most certainly was now.

His sister, Hazel, emerged from the crowd of men, holding Willow’s hand. For a minute, he didn’t think it was really his sister because he almost didn’t recognize her.

“Hello, Conrad.” Hazel’s voice was soft. She looked up meekly but kept her face turned toward the ground. She wore a flowing green gown with her breasts trussed up like a Christmas goose. Her hair was loose like a strumpet’s and blowing in the wind. No wimple covered her head, leaving her exposed to the elements and the eyes of every man there. And around her neck was a jeweled bauble that reminded him of a dog’s collar. She lifted her hand in a small wave, the bracelets around her wrist jangling as she did so. She wore a ring on almost every finger, and her nails even seemed to shine.

“Hazel!” he spat, pushing through the crowd, grabbing his sister’s arm and pulling her toward him. “Get away from them. And why are you dressed like a bloody gypsy?”

“What are you doing, Lochwood?” asked Sir George. “We were just getting to know Lady Hazel.”

“When did she arrive?” asked Sir Bedivere, stretching his neck to see her, collecting two goblets of wine off a server’s tray and handing one of them to Hazel. “Have some wine, Lady Hazel. I’d like to escort you to the festivities tonight.”

“She’d like that,” said Willow with a nod, speaking for the girl. “Wouldn’t you, Lady Hazel?”

“Well I . . .”

“Nay, she wouldn’t!” Conrad interrupted. “The only place you will be escorted, dear sister, is back to the bedchamber to change into more appropriate clothes.”

“Conrad.” Willow pulled him to the side. “Let her have some fun. She’s being noticed for the first time in her life.”

“Aye, but for all the wrong reasons. Let’s go, Hazel.” He held on to her arm, starting back to the keep. But Willow’s voice from behind him made him stop in his tracks.

“I’ve had so many of you offer to escort me to the festivities tonight, that I might just have to close my eyes and point to one of you to make my choice.”

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