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“Men don’t have the control that women do when it comes to the bedchamber. Of course, from what I witnessed, you don’t have it either.”

“Witnessed?” Willow held her hand to her bodice, clutching it tightly to her. “You were watching us?”

“I’m a spirit, Willow. I can go anywhere and see anything, and don’t you forget it. What is going to happen to Conrad when your father gets home and finds out what happened?”

“What do you mean? He won’t find out.”

“Who all knows about it?” the old woman asked.

“Just Conrad and me.”

“That’s all?”

She thought about it for a moment and shook her head. “And Hazel. And Conrad’s squire, Toby, as well.”

“Men aren’t good at keeping secrets. Even if it’s not intentional, you need to realize Toby will probably let the secret out.”

“What can I do about it, Imanie? How can I keep Conrad from being punished by my father? It wasn’t his fault.”

“That’s not what Hazel thinks. And you did nothing to correct her.”

“Oh, Imanie, I wasn’t thinking. I need to figure out something to help Conrad. My father can never know.”

“The only thing that could stop that from happening is if you were married to the man. Then it wouldn’t matter.”

“Marry Conrad?” The mere thought made her heart flutter faster.

“You like him and have feelings for him, don’t you?”

“Why, yes. However, I don’t think he feels the same way about me. After all, he left me on the edge of release when I needed him the most.”

“And don’t you think that hurt him even more than it did you?”

“Then why did he pull away so abruptly?”

“Don’t be daft, Willow. He did it to save your name and reputation. What would happen if he’d taken your virginity and then you were betrothed to someone else? No man is stupid enough not to know that his wife isn’t a virgin on her wedding night.”

“Imanie, I feel so horrible about what happened. I wasn’t thinking. I need to make it up to Conrad.”

“That’s fine, but what you should really be thinking about right now is finding the thief who stole the ruby.”

“The earl’s ruby? Why me?”

“Willow, did I teach you nothing? You have been chosen by the late queen to be a Follower of the Secret Hearts. You need to prove to the others in the group, as well as to yourself, that Philippa didn’t make a mistake by putting you in this position.”

“Nay, she didn’t make a mistake.” Willow touched the golden heart brooch pinned to her gown. She never went anywhere without wearing it. Perhaps she wasn’t doing what her late queen would have wanted her to do. Willow needed to be more like Fia, and do something to help someone as well. “What can I do?” asked Willow.

“You can stop thinking so much about yourself and, instead, help Earl Alnwick find that ruby. If he doesn’t have the ruby to give to the king, he is going to lose his castle. Do you think John of Gaunt will try to make alliances with the Scots, the way the earl wants to do?”

“Nay, I don’t. Getting that ruby to the king is essential. The fate of two nations might depend on it. Mayhap I can talk to my cousin, Richard, and convince him to let the earl keep his castle.”

“Do you really believe Richard would do that if there was nothing in it for him?”

Imanie’s question hit her hard. Willow suddenly felt as if she’d been selfish, and was no better than her greedy cousin. There was so much more at stake here. “Nay,” said Willow. “Richard will not help him without the ruby in trade. I promise I will use any means possible and find the gemstone and help the earl. I am a Follower of the Secret Hearts and just as strong as Fia.”

“Then prove it, Willow, because everyone thinks you are a spoiled girl who believes she is better than anyone else and only thinks of herself.”

“That’s not true.”
